"I feel like the reason people feel like they know me is because I'm giving you myself in the music. There's where the connection comes from; you can't Twitter that."

"One day, I'll be listening to a bunch of Ray Charles, the next day it's nothing but Red Hot Chili Peppers. The next day it might be Tupac all day."

"I have a little bit of that gamer spirit in me. I just don't have the time to be a gamer. But in another life, I would be one."

"I don't live for the accolades. I'm more so about the music. Making it, and putting it out. Those are the two best feelings."

"I met Will Smith twice. I didn't talk to him for too long but I was trying to let him know that my age group grew up watching him - he was the coolest guy on television and the coolest guy in movies."

"I've got two Rolexes that I'm very proud of - a gold Presidential that was a gift and a white gold one I gifted myself. I'm trying to step my game up and get a few more of those."

"My fans love me for me, my beats, my rhymes."

"I think if I did something in the pop world right now, it would be for Rihanna. I'd love to do something production wise for her."

"I worked in ad sales. I would call up local businesses and try to get them to buy ads in the paper. The whole time, I felt like I was just scamming people."

"I was a huge Mike Tyson fan growing up; his fights were always on in my house."

"Sometimes I try a Mai Tai. It's so fruity. It's a little embarrassing, but I like it."

"I had a rat-tail when I was younger. I had this nice Bobby Brown fade, with a rat-tail that was long enough to wrap around my face. I used to chew on the end and bite it."

"No rapper in the world from Jay-Z to Tupac to Biggie has 100 percent love on everything they do."

"I kinda like the idea of having an album that's all me."

"Producing all my own songs and refusing to go to the hot producer. That's the biggest risk I've taken so far."

"My parents were divorced by the time I was even conscious - like, I don't remember them ever being together."

"In hip-hop, there's not a lot of love. There's not a lot of love being spread. It's always like 'I'm stuntin' on you raps, or I'm better than you raps.' It's not a lot of 'Yo man, I idolize you raps.'"

"I want to be like Bruce Springsteen or something, making songs that are relevant."

"There's been people who've rapped and produced - like Kanye - but I don't feel like on the rapping side there's ever been a producer who can rap as good as I think I can rap."

"The thing about being an artist today is you get to develop right in front of people's eyes before you even put out an album."

"The unconscious is the ocean of the unsayable, of what has been expelled from the land of language, removed as a result of ancient prohibitions."

"Okay baby, let's take this rocket to Uranus. This hoor is perfect, and she can act as well."

"Drugs are always fun."

"— Square go then smart cunt!"