"When you are kissing a guy with a beard, it's different."

"Can I be your only hope? Because your the only hope for me."

"Stay beautiful, keep it ugly"

"Human nature at times is unfortunately very ugly and I learned the world can be a very ugly place. For as much beauty there is, there's just as much brutality and violence and ugliness."

"I'd enjoy it if a guy grabbed my ass. I guess it all depends on how he grabbed it, too."

"It is not a band. It is an idea."

"The plan was that I was going to do comics, and then the music just cam up in my life and was a detour."

"Oh, and I heard a rumor that I died in a car accident. I didn’t."

"Singing songs that make you slit your wrists"

"We’ve always been fighters. There will always be something to fight against. So we’ll always fight, underdogs or not. If you put a wall in front of us, we don’t look to go round it. We just bust straight through."

"There's such a lack of sex in music."

"The Black Parade only has two songs left. Then you'll have to deal with the likes of My Chemical Romance. Personally...I think their language is atrocious and they don't know how to dress."

"You get caught up in a cycle at some point, so I broke the cycle and decided; I'm going to really write a lot of books, because I need to get in touch with that part of myself in order to make more music."

"Like, you should never want to hurt yourself. You should love yourself."

"I had no direction. I thought, 'I need to make a difference in my life,' and music was my answer."

"I feel like theres so many people out there who have the kids in the palm of their hand, listening but there are so few people saying something"

"There are really so many people trying to get control over you on a daily basis and steal your soul in some way, take a part of you..."

"It's for the hamster that I'm gonna buy! This is so perfect! (after opening a hamster wheel at Christmas)"

"I see you lying next to me, with words I thought i'd never speak, awake and unafraid, asleep or dead?"

"90. Being Set at meat Scratch not, neither Spit, Cough, or blow your Nose except there's a Necessity for it."

"No punishment, in my opinion, is to great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin"

"If to please the people,we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The rest is in the hands of God."

"...overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty."

"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible."