The very idea of family is something I hold so close to my heart.

If there is one thing you should know about me, I am a family person.

I'm attracted to men who know what they want and go after it.

When a woman says the connection is gone, don't tell her how hot she is. A connection is more than someone's appearance.

I love when a guy has some sort of talent.

I wear T-shirts and backwards hats and buy my shoes at Payless!

When I was approached with the idea of two Bachelorettes, I was definitely not jumping for joy. It was more like, pouting for hours.

Citi Field is one of the coolest spots I've been to. It was so much fun to hold a cocktail party and rose ceremony there.

It is too exhausting to try and make everyone happy or pretend.

When women come together, we're unstoppable.

I love connecting with other women.

Being in the spotlight, you're always picked apart. It's not easy. But over time I've realized that you can't please everyone and when you feel overwhelmed, just take a step back. Love yourself first.

Shin splints are something I actually suffered with a lot in my younger years of dancing. I know the pain and it's not fun.

All the people that I love and care about have got my back, so that's all that really matters.

A lot of the people in the 'Bachelor' family have got my back.

Some people have their beliefs and what they think is right and wrong in a relationship.

Some people have different beliefs and aren't going to agree with everything you do. There's nothing you can do to change their minds. All you can do is have your own voice and believe in your own beliefs.

I was told I'm disgusting, that I belong in a dumpster, that I'm going to hell... just the worst things you could say to somebody.

You can't let people control your feelings, or you'll live a pretty miserable life trying to change them.

You make one mistake and you feel like the worst person in the world.

I have a huge fear of birds, but I truly believe in facing your fears head-on, so, I now have two sparrows tattooed on the back of my arms.

Whenever I see my family, we always drink wine and play cards together.

That's why I love wine, it opens people up, brings people together, and it's an important part of so many of my favourite memories.

After my time on 'The Bachelorette,' I launched my podcast called 'Off the Vine.' The premise is simple, my guests and I open a bottle of wine and have some good conversation.