Africa has been going through so much for so many years; it's time that it stands up the way other nations are standing up.

My earliest memories of rap music was mixed with my earliest memories of reggae music. They were big sounds around the way, heavy bass lines, strong messages, definitely.

No matter who you are, black, white, green, there's going to be things in your way, you know what I mean?

Hip-hop lasted and survived all these years that you have to give it credit. Even though it's not up to people's expectations anymore, its still here, and that's says a lot.

N.Y. hip-hop is ok, but we gotta become brave again; we have to be brave enough and do something new - that's what New York is about... New.

My record company had to beg me to stop filmin' music videos in the projects. No matter what the song was about, I had 'em out there.

It's never been seen that a street artist go as far as I've gone - keep consistent without wanting to do a bunch of ventures outside of music to keep my face out there.

Hip-hop artists, especially the older ones, are the ones who knew hip-hop was a worldwide phenomenon before the mainstream caught on, so hip-hop artists are forward thinkers. We want to stay with the new.

Turnin' nothin' into somethin' is God work, and you get nothin' without struggle and hard work

You have to keep your vision clear, cause only a coward lives in fear.

I never brag, how real i keep it, cause thats the best secret...

Much success to you, even if you wish me the opposite.

No idea is original, there's nothing new under the sun, it's never what you do, but how it's done

If you're scared to take chances, you'll never have the answers.

It's a thin line between paper and hate, Friends and snakes, nine millis and thirty-eights, Hell or the pearly gates...I was destined to come, Predicted, blame God, He blew breath in my lungs.

Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined

Everything will eventually come to an end, So try to savor the moment, cause time flies, don't it? The beauty of life, you gotta make it last for the better, Cause nothin' lasts forever.

You lose money chasing women; Never lose women chasing money.

No temporary chaos is worth your sanity.

My success symbolizes loyalty, great friends, Dedication, hard work, routine builds character. In a world full of snakes, rats and scavengers

How can you lose when you're doing you?

What you base your happiness around? Material, women, and large paper? That means you inferior, not major.

Some seek fame cause they need validation, Some say hating is confused admiration.

For my hustlers, here's some motivation: He who has begun is half done.