But uhh, a thug changes, and love changes and best friends become strangers, word up

I've been lucky enough to reach a place where I can speak what's in my heart, and people know that it comes from a real place; I don't have to worry about doing what someone's not doing - I can do me.

I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death.

No temporary chaos is worth your sanity. Just knowing that whatever happens, it happens to the best of them too.

You only have one first chance to make one first impression that lasts a lifetime.

I promise you, if you have a plan, you can accomplish everything you ever wanted

Whats up with your motto? Will you lead? Will you follow?

Every great person educates themselves.

The reason I want to be alone, is I'm tired of all the things that went wrong that would've went right if I had did 'em on my own

My duration's infinite, money-wise or physiology.

Always observe, watch, and talk to older people.

The whole thing is, do as much as you can, when you possibly can, and don't stress.

In the past I had to deal with issues that hit me as a younger man. As a man who wasn't married who didn't really have the experience that I have now. Today I'm a different guy.

There's really nothing better than music to bring people together and to have amazing music being not just created inside walls but then decimating and activating is going to be special.

Big L scared me to death. When I heard that on tape, I was scared to death. I was like there's no way I can compete if this is what I gotta compete with.

I'm never gonna die, never heard of death, energy can never be destroyed only the flesh, so when you try to murder me with bullets to the head this is why you can't kill me niggaz, I'm already dead.

Life is short is what some niggaz said; not if you measure life - by how one lives and what he did.

I know i can, be what i wanna be, if i work hard at it, I'll be where i wanna be

You are who you associate with. Look around at your five closest friends and that's who you are. If you don't want to be that person, you know what you gotta do.

I think it's harder to make a classic now, not because of what people say, but because artists now are so concerned with what people say.

Speak what I want, I don't care what y'all feel. 'Cause I'm my own master, my Pop told me be your own boss. Keep integrity at every cost,

Life is parallel to Hell but I must maintain and be prosperous, though we live dangerous.

No Ideas original - there is nothing new under the sun...

True in the game, as long as blood is blue in my veins I pour my Heineken brew to my deceased crew on memory lane