I'm a 50 year-old guy and I'm not in shape like I was when I was 30.

If you have any question in your mind, don't do it. If you go in thinking it's going to fix something that's wrong, don't do it.

Things come out of nowhere, and you start evaluating the director, the cast, and all those other things going into it.

I'm rarely in a situation where, if you have a good idea, it's not embraced. That's stupid. And I don't work with stupid people.

It's nice to have money, but the first thing I did with money was buy my father a snow-blower, because my job was to shovel snow, and I wasn't there to do it any more, so I was able to buy him a blower.

I'm not that tough; I'm not that smart. I need life telling me who I am, showing me my mind constantly. I wouldn't see it in a cave.

People don't understand what happiness is, so they have an idea of what will make them happy, but it never does.

People don't understand what happiness is, so they have an idea of what will make them happy, but it never does.

I've stayed good friends with most of my girlfriends.

Sharon Stone. She is one of the most dedicated people I know, but also highly unedited.

If the United States marches into Iraq without the backing of the United Nations, that will be done entirely without the backing of the American people.

I think movies probably are a mirror in some way so we can see ourselves in them.

I know who I am. No one else knows who I am. If I was a giraffe, and someone said I was a snake, I'd think, no, actually I'm a giraffe.

We've had too many World AIDS Days.

On a movie set that works, you have your father figure, the director, you have your siblings, your other actors.

Julia [Roberts]. She's got two kids and animals, and I think she's a night nibbler. There'd be crumbs everywhere.

I've always maintained that all characters and all personalities are in all of us. The whole thing is available. You're not this or that, no one is.

I had a friend in the neighborhood whose father had Playboy magazines, and we would go over and look at them. I remember cutting out pictures and hiding them in my room.

I have to admit, a manicured look works for me.

It's human nature - we want to believe our children, our families, our President!

I haven't worked with people who are jealous or competitive. That's a particularly deadly attitude to have when you're working on a film.

Why is it when we have 10 million people in this country who say 'No', we still have a president who says 'Yes.' In a democracy, something's wrong here.

Billions of people don't practice a religion at all.

Shooting in New York can be a problem... I had to walk through a crowd, come in the front door, and play the scene.