"I'm not about to go out and buy a snake for a pet. I mean, I may have faced a few fears but I'm not insane."

"Where I come from, a lot of people didn't have money, but they didn't have gangs or drugs either."

"I always read the script, try to imagine myself in the role, then decide whether I have anything to give to the part. If you don't feel like that in the beginning, it is not going to go well."

"Also, it was a cultural moment that wasn't being represented in terms of women who were successful and had choices they didn't have before. They needed a show that they can watch that they felt like represented them."

"Dogs are very, very pleasant with people that they're connected to."

"As an actress, there's nothing worse than not knowing your cues."

"I drank a lot when I was a teenager and I don't drink any more, because that's when I thought, you know, I'm gonna end up a car wreck."

"Everyone would talk about their diets and working out and what it made me do was go to craft services where all the food for the cast and crew was and I would eat."

"I've never had a teenage rebellion; I'm not that type of person. I always work out my problems in a conscientious way."

"It's always nice when people appreciate your work because it means you've affected them, which is great. And so that feels good."

"If you're successful at a young age, no matter the profession, there has to come a time when you reevaluate everything, what it means to you. 'Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life?'"

"I've seen 'karma' slap people in the face. You have to be good to people. It really does come around."

"I love my snaggle fangs. They give me character and character is sexy."

"When you're in a depressed state, having something really bad happen gives you kind of a life again."

"I've never been a major smoker, but I think America's view on weed is ridiculous. I mean - are you kidding me? If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place."

"You really can't explain how you do the things you do. I can't, anyway. I love certain actors, but sometimes they say the stupidest things about technique. I don't want to say something stupid."

"I'm happiest when I'm just hanging out with my friends... it really doesn't matter what we do."

"If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place."

"Rare are the people who can capture a human being."

"When I'm an old lady, I'm going to have my pick of the young men. They'll be like, 'She's Miss Mary Jane!' The young boys will think I'm a hot old lady."

"I love what I do and I dont want to stop - This is all Ive ever wanted."

"I think for everyone it's good to have your own personal work on a character and a film before you even start rehearsing, to have an inner life."

"For me, my favourite actresses are like Charlotte Rampling or Gena Rowlands... people who have always stepped outside of the restraints of a certain type of woman or story. I always like those movies the best."

"I've always used my own personal emotions and things that I've gone through in my life to build a character. The work that I do before a film feels almost like therapy, between me and whoever I'm playing."