"I don't gossip about myself."

"I don't gossip about myself."

"I've never had a teenage rebellion, I'm not that type of person. I always work out my problems in a conscientious way."

"I'm never going to say anything about who I'm dating unless I'm married or engaged."

I've always kind of ripped from real life to some degree or at least how I'm feeling in the moment.

I saw Richard Linklater's film 'Slacker' for my twenty-first birthday. That was the moment when it all seemed possible. This guy gave me hope.

When you're an artist, all you're trying to do is self-express.

I liked hockey, and I still like hockey.

Oh, I'm online all the time now. I'm not an outdoorsy type.

I don't have to write to South West buddy. In an hour South West gonna come looking for me!

I always wanted to see if I could sell a movie to the public without doing any marketing because my philosophy was like, 'Hey man, I'm reaching my audience everyday. I'm twittering with them. I'm in direct contact with them on the podcast.'

Batman has an impeccable moral compass, he’s clever and mysterious, and when fucktards get sassy, he punches them in the face.

It's a joyful thing, being a Catholic. I can't even think about sex without thinking about bodily waste.

I didn't get into film to win Academy Awards. I wanted to have a conversation with the audience.

You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you. (As Silent Bob)

I say what other people won't.

If you grow up fat, you have to try harder.

In anything I've ever written, all the characters sound like me, which I don't think is a bad thing. It makes sense. But I had always admired filmmakers who made movies that didn't sound like them at all.

I just love movies, so suddenly, you're political about movies, and that's dark. It's just not fun when something you love becomes calculated.

There's a trick to being whatever you want to be in life. It starts with the simple belief that you are what or who you say you are.

Generally, I wake up, honestly it's creepy, but I wake up around 4:20.

And George Carlin was a guy that the more he aged the younger he seemed.

In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual, unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least trying to accomplish all of your wildest dreams in life.

If you're alive, kick into drive. Chase whimsies. See if you can turn dreams into a way to make a living, if not an entire way of life.