"I bring to my life a certain amount of mess."

"When newspapers started to publish the box office scores of movies, I was horrified. Those results are totally fake because they never include the promotion budget."

"The equal right of all citizens to health, education, work, food, security, culture, science, and wellbeing - that is, the same rights we proclaimed when we began our struggle, in addition to those which emerge from our dreams of justice and equality for all inhabitants of our world - is what I wish for all."

"They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?"

"I never saw a contradiction between the ideas that sustain me and the ideas of that symbol, of that extraordinary figure, Jesus Christ."

"Someday, the capitalist system will disappear in the United States, because no social class system has been eternal. One day, class societies will disappear."

"The revenues of Cuban state-run companies are used exclusively for the benefit of the people, to whom they belong."

"I am a Marxist Leninist and I will be one until the last day of my life."

"No thieves, no traitors, no interventionists! This time the revolution is for real!"

"A revolution is not a bed of roses."

"The universities are available only to those who share my revolutionary beliefs."

"Some time ago, the United States was an English colony. If an Englishman were asked if the United States would be independent, he would have said no, that it would always be an English colony."

"We do not need the empire to give us anything."

"Our Revolution emerged where it was least expected by the empire, in a hemisphere where it was used to acting like an all-powerful master."

"As we know, while our species remains alive, everybody has the sacred duty to be optimistic. Ethically, any other behaviour wouldn't be admissible."

"The death of Abdel Nasser on September 28, 1970, was an irreversible setback for Egypt."

"The United States never stopped conspiring against the Arab world, which holds the largest oil reserves on the planet."

"Mubarak was oppressing and pillaging his own people. He was an enemy to the Palestinians and an accomplice of Israel, the sixth nuclear power on the planet, associated with the war-mongering NATO group."

"The United States is supplying the most modern and sophisticated weaponry to Israel to the tune of billions of dollars every year."

"Peoples do not defy repression and death, nor do they remain for nights on end protesting energetically, just because of merely formal matters."

"Oil has become the principal wealth in the hands of the great Yankee transnationals; through this energy source, they had an instrument that considerably expanded their political power in the world."

"The last time I visited Qaddafi was in May of 2001, 15 years after Reagan attacked his rather modest residence where he took me to show me how it had been left."

"The traditional stand adopted by the Cuban Revolution, which was always opposed to any action that could jeopardize the life of civilians, is well known."

"Although we resolutely supported the armed struggle against Batista's tyranny, we were, on principle, opposed to any terrorist action that could cause the death of innocent people."