He's the best passer I've ever coached. I think he took that as an affront because then he responded with 21 and 20. That shows what kind of player he is.

Hilton Armstrong was the best player on the court. He changed everything in the middle. He had big baskets. He was immense from the foul line.

Chris West, our strength coach, said it was our best workout we've had in three months. It was no nonsense The time was short, but the attention-getting was there.

I keep saying he's the best passer I've ever coached. I think he took an affront to that. Now he's scoring.

It's a tremendous sense of accomplishment and an amazing feeling to win. This field was one of the best ever and there isn't anyone here who didn't get their money's worth.

They're going to utilize their quickness as best they can. We're going to try to use our size as best we can. That makes it a very interesting battle.

Rudy had perhaps his best all-around game. He was unselfish. Certainly he could have scored 30 himself very easily but instead had eight assists, five-six blocks, four steals.

I've said Marcus, in my opinion, is the best passer that I've ever coached. I think he took affront to that. Now he's scoring. There aren't many better point guards in the country than him.

People have asked me a lot about Marcus and even Rudy this season. I have said that Rudy is emerging every day and we're watching something beautiful. And with Marcus, I said recently he is the best passer I've ever coached. I think he took offense because now he's had back-to-back 20-point games.

Our best big guy, certainly, was Jeff Adrien.

I said all along that Marcus, in my opinion, is the best passer I've ever coached. I think he took an affront to that because now he's got two 20-point games.

Jimmy put it in perspective and told me exactly what had happened to him, ... He encouraged me to get the best medical advice I could get. He took me through the scenario of what would happen.

Jack is probably one of the best point guards in America. He did an incredible job on him.

I lost my dad when I was 15, ... Those were the best 15 years of my life.

We're rooting for everybody we beat. That's the best way to put it.

Denham had arguably the best performance of his career at a great time.

Khalid El-Amin put up with a great deal of grief on the road. And it was the best coaching that anybody could have done for me, because Khalid loved every single second of it. He loved to show you.

If he's not one of the best two or three kids in the country, then I guess I've lost my judgment about how good a guy can be.

No matter how his shot looks - funny to all of us - or if someone is right in his face, it doesn't matter. He only sees orange, that little round thing. As long as he's squared up, he'll make shots. He's too good a shooter. And he really works so hard at it. This, by the way, is far and away his best season.

They're going to utilize their quickness the best they can. We're going to try to use our size as much as we can. Certainly that makes for a very interesting battle. My guys' concern is getting the ball inside. If we get the ball inside, we'll be successful.

We'll have to take away the 3-pointers as best we can. We'll have to limit Quinn from having the ball as much as we can.

I think clearly this is the best league in the country.

It's a tribute to the hard work the kids put in because they played in the best league in the country. I think our kids should be honored. We have an awful lot of good players in this league. I couldn't be prouder of our kids.

He certainly has had his best year. I would have bit my tongue off last year if I said, ?Let's leave Rashad in for defense.' He's a weapon that very few teams can keep on the bench.