I've driven just about every kind of car there is.

If you weren't on Chris Economaki's radar screen, you probably weren't on anybody's.

I still have the competitive spirit, which is good.

My wife loves football, but I think she's resigned to the fact that I'll never make it there.

I don't remember as a kid wanting to do or be anything else but drive something, be a race driver.

From a prestige standpoint, the U.S. needs to host Formula 1. And I think Formula 1, they know they need the U.S. as well. So many companies that are global are based in the United States support Formula 1.

Can the U.S. support two Formula 1 races? I think so.

I wish we could be 100% shielded from danger, but nothing is in life.

Whatever the changes, from one era to the next, Pocono has maintained its character and significance to me, and it always will. My family shares this sentiment.

Quite honestly, I treat myself with cars I really want to drive, and I have some flexibility to do that.

Nobody had race savvy like Al Unser in his prime.

Nothing compares to the Indianapolis 500.

The United States is the only country where a driver can have a successful career - either in stock cars or IndyCar - and he won't need a passport.

I always say that every win has something that is special.

A father-son relationship is strong, like no other teammates. You could be straightforward with one another.

Age doesn't affect driving - how do you like that?

At Indy, we are the NASA of the production-car world, and that's clearly why manufacturers are involved - it's such a good testbed.

You do a period of go-karting until you're at the age of qualifying for a ride in a 'school-kart,' then you qualify for driving school. And several of the driving schools have a competition series for their own students.

When you start thinking you may get hurt, it's time to get out of racing.

Foreign players is what makes golf so popular now.

It makes great conversation to discuss what's wrong with open-wheel racing today.

If the Indy Racing League didn't have the Indianapolis 500, do you think it would have lasted more than six months? No chance.

The most important thing at Daytona is, are you going to have friends willing to work with you during the race as far as drafting? You've got to have friends out there. You can't do it alone. You form those relationships as the race moves along.

Not all teammates tell the truth.