I'm not vain, I'm insecure.

Pregnancy was probably the best and the hardest thing I'll ever go through. I know for a lot of women, it can be wonderful and relatively easy.

I used to be able to slim down just by exercising more, but that's changed.

Since having the babies, I realize that 90 percent of losing weight is my diet.

People are constantly asking me if I'm pregnant, but I don't like to talk about it too much. I just think about it as the next phase. We'll see.

The best part of making music, for me, is collaborating and working with new people and fresh sounds and all those things that gets people excited to continue in this business that we all love so much.

I hope to be around past the 90's. I don't want to just be categorized as one of this era. My goal is to have a career that stands.

I understand people want to hold on to their roots.

A lot of rappers don't have to go through what I had to go through as a singer. I was always in a bubble that they put me in, but I was always punching out. It was a tough line to walk.

I don't think there were great beauty trends in the '90s - I was just doing my own thing.

I do all of my own stunts in videos. The Jet Ski scenes, the fight scenes, all of them!

I think I have to remain eternally oblivious to age. Honestly, when you put a number on it yourself, it's just like, Why? Why do that?

My fans have made all my career moments special for me. They are the ones that have gotten me through every single thing - good times and bad, they are who I go to and lean on. I am very thankful for that.

I'm actually a really good cook, and people don't believe this about me!

I'm actually really good at Balderdash, and no one wants to play that game with me. Especially the movies category; I don't want to give away my secrets, but I am pretty good at that category.

I'm actually very loyal, to my detriment.

Sometimes I wake up laughing when I have a great dream. And sometimes I have nightmares - and I hate them.

I think that for me, personally, a lot of my choices have been to do with my own issues of not feeling safe as a child and feeling a sense of stability.

I was a reader as a child, believe it or not.

I love the grimiest rappers in the world. That's my favorite.

I really don't do karaoke because it becomes a vocal performance rather than fun, like, 'Let's just sing this song and be silly.' It's not fun for me.

I'm not Gloria Steinem, but I mean, I'm definitely all for powerful women.

I arrange flowers in my spare time. Well, when I have spare time, that is.

I'm a very good laundress when I have to be.