Peace requires us to surrender our illusions of control.

Meditation is a vehicle for opening to the truth of this impermanence on deeper and deeper levels.

The best of modern therapy is much like a process of shared meditation, where therapist and client sit together, learning to pay close attention to those aspects and dimensions of the self that the client may be unable to touch on his or her own.

The focusing of attention on the breath is perhaps the most universal of the many hundreds of meditation subjects used worldwide.

In Buddhist practice, the outward and inward aspects of taking the one seat meet on our meditation cushion.

To understand ourselves and our life is the point of insight meditation: to understand and to be free.

Meditation practice is neither holding on nor avoiding; it is a settling back into the moment, opening to what is there.

In sitting on the meditation cushion and assuming the meditation posture, we connect ourselves with the present moment in this body and on this earth.

Breathing meditation can quiet the mind, open the body, and develop a great power of concentration.

Skill in concentrating and steadying the mind is the basis for all types of meditation.

If we are engaged in actions that cause pain and conflict to ourselves and others, it is impossible for the mind to become settled, collected, and focused in meditation; it is impossible for the heart to open.

Turn your vision inward and the whole world will be full of supreme spirit.

It is not enough that one surrenders oneself. Surrender is to give oneself up to the original cause of one's being. Do not delude yourself by imagining such a source to be some God outside you. One's source is within oneself. Give yourself up to it. That means that you should seek the source and merge in it.

Realisation is nothing new to be acquired. It is already there, but obstructed by a screen of thoughts. All our attempts are directed to lifting this screen and then realisation is revealed.

Whenever a thought arises, instead of trying even a little either to follow it up or to fulfil it, it would be better to first enquire, "To whom did this thought arise?"

See who is in the subject. The investigation leads you to pure consciousness beyond the subject.

See what helps you to keep away all other thoughts and adopt that method for your meditation.

There are no impediments to meditation. The very thought of such obstacles is the greatest impediment.

When there are thoughts, it is distraction: when there are no thoughts, it is meditation.

Because truth is exceedingly subtle and serene, the bliss of the Self can manifest only in a mind rendered subtle and steady by assiduous meditation.

Meditation is about breathing, it's about clarity, taking your time and not rushing through your thinking.

Mind is the absence of meditation. The moment meditation arises in you, mind is found nowhere.

To me a man of meditation is bound to be immensely loving.

First prepare the ground, then prayer happens on its own accord. Prayer is something that you cannot do. Meditation is something that you can do because it has something to do with your mind.