I don't think I like characters who are afraid and ashamed of who they are.

I went through an awkward adolescence and had braces.

I knew I would never be cast as the pretty girl.

As a teenager, my favourite rejection was, 'She looks too healthy,' which of course translates as, 'She needs to lose weight.'

I'm so glad I'm not 20 years old anymore. I was in a hurricane. I'm a lot calmer now. I don't cause destruction for myself and others everywhere I go.

I think people who suffer from depression, unless it's post-traumatic, are probably going to struggle with it for their whole life.

For years, I hated myself. I covered the mirrors in my house. I literally couldn't have a mirror in my room.

I am a Christian. I haven't really talked about that before. It is something very private. But I do pray and my beliefs are very important to me.

I'm getting older now, so I should think about a family, but certainly not tomorrow.

I stand up for other people, I'm very protective of people around me. If I feel like somebody is getting a bad rap or being unfairly picked on, I will stand up for them, absolutely.

I tend to fight for something that I believe in.

I'm incredibly naive.

I'm very insecure.

I'm immature.

I always think that I've embarrassed myself.

As a kid, I was told to talk as much as possible.

I'm always in bed by 11 or 12 and people laugh all the time - they want me to hang out until two in the morning, but n-n-no, I need my nine hours.

I take Wellbutrin because I'm afraid to go into stores. I'm afraid people are going to yell at me.

The movies I made early on may not have been great, but they were all commercially successful.

When I'm acting in a film that I'm not producing, I stay to myself.

My roommate and my boyfriend, they both know I am compulsive and controlling.

I don't think I'm an outsider at all.

A director should cast a person who fits into their script.