I want to make a policy statement. I am unabashedly in favor of women.

Our most tragic error may have been our inability to establish a rapport and a confidence with the press and television with the communication media. I don't think the press has understood me.

No member of our generation who wasn't a Communist or a dropout in the thirties is worth a damn.

You might say that Lyndon Johnson is a cross between a Baptist preacher and a cowboy.

Just like the Alamo, somebody damn well needed to go to their aid. Well, by God, I'm going to Viet Nam's aid!

When things haven't gone well for you, call in a secretary or a staff man and chew him out. You will sleep better and they will appreciate the attention.

I seldom think of politics more than eighteen hours a day.

They call upon us to supply American boys to do the job that Asian boys should do.

Whoever won't fight when the President calls him, deserves to be kicked back in his hole and kept there.

The moon and other celestial bodies should be free for exploration and use by all countries. No country should be permitted to advance a claim of sovereignty.

There are plenty of recommendations on how to get out of trouble cheaply and fast. Most of them come down to this: Deny your responsibility.

I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

We did not choose to be the guardians of the gate, but there is no one else.

Nothing is more frustrating to me than putting a song on an album and regret putting it on there. I'm excited that there are no songs on 'Tailgates & Tanlines' that I'm iffy about.

Anything I've ever read by John Irving has been really well written.

Nothing is more rewarding than to take a song, create it out of thin air and then watch it affect people.

I wouldn't necessarily say she is a country artist. I mean, obviously Taylor Swift started in country, but she morphed into somewhat of a cultural icon, so, who am I to judge what she is?

Catallactics does not ask whether or not the consumers are right, noble, generous, wise, moral, patriotic, or church-going. It is concerned not with why they act, but only with how they act.

Inflationism is that monetary policy that seeks to increase the quantity of money.

The function of money is to facilitate the business of the market by acting as a common medium of exchange.

One must rather ask how much could be produced if competition among producers were abolished.

The issue is always the same: the government or the market. There is no third solution.

The struggle for freedom is ultimately not resistance to autocrats or oligarchs but resistance to the despotism of public opinion.