All of the guys I know from Jersey held onto this feeling of, 'We're always just working.'

When a great many people are unable to find work, unemployment results.

History has a habit of changing the people who think they are changing it

Some people are heroes. And some people jot down notes.

A holding company is the people you give your money to while you're being searched.

People's minds are changed through observation and not through argument.

Unlike many others, I anyway don't post much from my personal life on social media; it's mostly work related. And when I post something, I'm aware that not everyone would have nice things to say; I'm fine with it.

People should dress the way they want. Any rules for age or shape are silly.

I don’t judge others. I say if you feel good with what you’re doing, let your freak flag fly.

Better to illuminate than merely to shine to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.

Others made you into who you were. You made yourself into what you have become.

One of the prerogatives by which man is eminently distinguished from all other living beings inhabiting this globe of earth, consists in the gift of reason.

Those that don't got it, can't show it. Those that got it, can't hide it.

“He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles of his own. ”

“Two different sets of philosophers have attempted to teach us this hardest of all the lessons of morality. One set have laboured to increase our sensibility to the interests of others; another, to diminish that to our own. The first would have us feel for others as we naturally feel for ourselves. The second would have us feel for ourselves, as we naturally feel for others.”

“Wages, profit, and rent, are the three original sources of all revenue, as well as of all exchangeable value. All other revenue is ultimately derived from someone or other of these.”

“To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature.”

“We are but one of the multitude, in no respect better than any other in it.”

"Draw Your Line Through the Lives of Others"

One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.

"Self-sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing."

"Poverty is often concealed in splendor, and often in extravagance. It is the task of many people to conceal their neediness from others. Consequently they support themselves by temporary means, and everyday is lost in contriving for tomorrow."

"There are indeed, in the present corruption of mankind, many incitements to forsake truth: the need of palliating our own faults and the convenience of imposing on the ignorance or credulity of others so frequently occur; so many immediate evils are"

"Too often the people complain that they have done nothing with their lives and then they wait for somebody to tell them that this isn't so."