“He described what he knew best or had heard most, and felt he had described the universe. (on Hegel)”

“The more pleasure a universe can yield, other things being equal, the more beneficent and generous is its general nature; the more pains its constitution involves, the darker and more malign its total temper. To deny this would seem impossible, yet it is done daily; for there is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition; and candor and a sense of justice are, in such a case, the first things lost.”

“If you find yourself drawn to an event against all logic, go. The universe is telling you something.” 

Born to be kings, we're the princes of the Universe!

Shine like the whole universe is yours.

The universe and the light of the stars come through me.

Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.

The whole universe is contained within a single human being – you.

In search of my mother's garden, I found my own.