Air travel dehydrates people.

When it comes to environmental regulation, the cruelty is the point.

Whether the origin of 'A Course In Miracles' is diabolical or merely psychological, the book proclaimed an anti-gospel of unreality and bred a cult of self-satisfaction for which Marianne Williamson has served as chief apostle.

Culture' and 'cult' derive from the same word; what a culture worships defines it.

The American people want their presidents to articulate big ideas and leave the details to the eggheads.

From the beginning, religious faith animated the American quest to explore the heavens.

My own forefathers arrived in America in 1620 on the Mayflower.

Shrillness is not the inevitable curse of the fairer sex.

Modern economies rely on debt, which encourages productivity and growth. But that system of credit requires consequences for debtors who default.

In reality, student loan forgiveness is welfare for the rich: a federal mandate that people who will make less money on average over the course of their lives bail out people who will make more money on average over the course of their lives.

That process of exposure to diverse opinions isn't 'brainwashing' - it's education.

The belief that men and women are different, the decision to date a Christian girl, and the audacity to disagree with one's liberal friends suggest a radicalism so dangerous it merits a New York Times investigation.

Are companies like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter open technology platforms or publishers with curated content? For years, Big Tech giants have tried to have it both ways, exploiting special legal protections to enrich themselves while behaving like publishers without the liabilities.

As pro-life advocates continue to expose the scientific and ethical reality of abortion, we must also console the millions of Americans who carry the heavy burden of an enormous sin.

No argument for abortion survives scientific, philosophical, or theological scrutiny.

Unborn babies - that is, fetuses, embryos, and even 'zygotes' - are innocent human beings.

For decades, the pro-life movement has focused on scientific evidence and ethical arguments.

Each dollar taxed and spent deprives Americans of the freedom to make their own choices.

Even leftists can appreciate the beauty of traditional religion and culture. Unfortunately they tend to reject the spirit that animates that beauty.

President Trump committed obstruction. From the moment he defeated Hillary Clinton, Democrats have tried to overturn the 2016 election, and President Trump has obstructed their efforts every step of the way.

Democrats in sanctuary states support amnesty for illegal aliens, just so long as those illegal aliens don't wind up in sanctuary states.

Liberation tolerates no limits, be they political, cultural, religious, or even natural.

Liberation from meaning leaves us skeptical of truth itself, comfortable only to acknowledge 'your truth' and 'my truth,' confident only in the reality of subjective feeling rather than objective fact.

In democratic republics such as ours, citizens rely on public criticism of ideas and people to determine national policy.