The Left, however, resists anglicizing Spanish terms because its political agenda relies on encouraging illegal immigration from Latin America and discouraging the assimilation of Hispanics into American society.

Conservatives have always been forthright about our views, whether they brought defeat in 1964 or victory in 1980.

The people's love of pumpkin spice and snobbish elites' derision of it suggest a subtle political reality: the pumpkin spice latte is America's most conservative drink.

President Trump's greatest political liabilities revolve around questions of personality and character.

Beauty is not generic, bland, and clinical. It isn't all things to all people. The Cathedral of Notre Dame in its endlessly intricate detail was beautiful. Modern office buildings are not.

All political debates, from tax policy to abortion, draw on moral arguments that rest on religious premises.

Our national future does not demand we revise and malign our past.

In more tangible terms, the pumpkin spice latte shares many of the qualities that endear conservative politicians to their supporters and arouse disgust in their opponents. It's blunt, common, and unapologetically American.

Everyone suffers. Rain falls on the just and the unjust alike. It falls on both the rich and the poor too. Leftist materialists imagine suffering to be a factor of economic circumstance.

There are a lot of people who were born into immense privilege who pretend that they weren't.

According to the politics of fantasy, mankind is on the verge of perfectibility, if only we give the government just a little bit more money and power.

The purpose of language is to communicate. That's the most basic definition of language. I have my own subjective experience going on in my head, and you have your own subjective experience going on in your head. The only way we can bridge that unbridgeable gap is through language.

People go into debt when they judge it beneficial to borrow money against their future earnings. Few can afford to buy a house outright, but many consider it worthwhile to take out a loan, which they will service and pay off over time, for the immediate privilege of living and investing in a house.

Civil society begins with the family.

Media elites, particularly those on the Left, love to hate the pumpkin spice latte.

While liberal, coastal white girls may constitute the most conspicuous purveyors of pumpkin spice, the flavor's cultural connotations and the strong opinions they elicit reveal the drink's profound conservatism.

For Christians, Advent reminds us why we need Christmas in the first place. It relies not only the grace of God but also the assent of Mary to the divine will.

What is the purpose of the electoral college? It has a few purposes. One, it's to restrain pure democracy. Very good, very important, that's a wonderful thing.

For the Left, Thanksgiving is about politics; for the Right, politics is about thanksgiving. The different approaches to holiday conversation come from opposing views of politics.

A proper criminal justice system exacts justice - that is, punishes criminals for their crimes. Rehabilitation and deterrence are worthy goals, but they are secondary to retribution.

Your goal as an entrepreneur is to understand not only what your business does but the clients that it serves. If you really have your pulse on their needs and wants, then your 'absolute' failures are always going to have limits.

As with anything we do as entrepreneurs, researching how our businesses impact and influence our customers and our markets - and our world - is critical to building something of value as a business.

Certainly, the human race can be fickle, and times do change, but overall, the barriers to bringing a product to market - and understanding what 'the market' wants - have remained unchanged.

The Entrepreneurial Perspective is absolutely necessary for the creation of a great, growing business.