I tell the children I want everyone to love the life that they're in, to be who they are... and make it the best life they can.

I have a bigger, peaceful view of life than aggressively breaking down other people.

I think our jobs as parents is to raise our children with empathy - to figure out who this little character is, almost from birth, and then guide them to fulfill their best potential.

With my children, balance was everything: being not just a workaholic, not only studying but taking time to renew and restore yourself and taking time to pay attention to your brain health and not assume, as we all do, that our brains are perfect.

When we have healthy children, we have a healthy community. They can learn. They can play. They can be part of the future. They can help you all do very well and prosper instead of suffering.

I know, as a mother, it hurts you very much to see your children suffer.

You have got to give. There is no other reason to be on the planet.

I'm not really part of the Internet world, my age a factor in that and a lack of interest in sharing with so many, so little, so much, so often.

I thought of 24 Sussex Drive as the crown jewel of the federal penitentiary system.

I think we can choose to be happy in our lives.

I've had such an exciting life.

I've had so many rich, rich, beautiful things happen to me in my life because I do have energy, and I do reach out, and I stretch my eyes.

Do you know what prepares you for the mental hospital? Being a prime minister's wife.

My honesty about mental illness has helped open a door for real conversation, and I think Justin wants to continue that conversation. He has put no restrictions on me. His father couldn't. Why should he try?

I was pregnant and nursing most of the years I was at 24 Sussex. I was ill-prepared and hardly even knew my husband, let alone how I was supposed to fit into this world that was very alien to me.

You need community support. You're pretty defeated when you're laid low with a mental illness. It's a frightening place to be, and to get up and be able to stand and to move forward and to start functioning again, you need so much support. You need to feel you're not alone.

I was so surprised, astonished, when I lost my mind, because I didn't think that I ever would. I assumed I would always be just fine.

I have had quite the grand, interesting life.

I have some great stories. But I am also very human, and I suffered an awful lot.

My life for so many years was a reality show.

Every day is wonderful for me.

We don't help people mourn in our society.

I can only ask people to be tolerant of the fact that the... pressures of wives of politicians is very, very strong.

I strongly believe that privacy is one of the biggest luxuries one can have in life - to have your own private world and not be invaded by the outside.