When beginning your entrepreneurial journey, acknowledge that you become a product of the five people you spend the most time with. So choose your company wisely.

There isn't much room to get sick, be angry or unhappy when you do something you love all day.

The people and opportunities your business needs are out there, but the only way to uncover them is to take an active role in bringing your social network to life.

When you are seen as someone who actively communicates with new connections, it can make other online users want to connect with you.

Successful people often enjoy telling their story.

Using social media can often be the fastest and easiest way to connect with online influencers because they are already established platforms for connecting with like-minded individuals.

Having even just one relationship with an online influencer can have a significant impact on your business.

Yes, it's important to make things great, and you can certainly do this by upgrading over time, but good and profitable is better than perfect and never done.

I was a pain most of my childhood, always mad at the things I didn't have. Things shifted drastically in my 20s when I started putting an emphasis on gratitude. Focus on the good you do have, not the things you lack.

As entrepreneurs, we already know our most valuable asset is time, but not every entrepreneur knows how to properly use that time.

Meditating is easier than most people think. Start by focusing and following your breath. The goal is not to eliminate thoughts entirely but to continually return to your breath. Taking this time to relax your mind can help sharpen your focus in other aspects of your work and allow you to work for longer periods of time.

Entrepreneurs spend an inordinate amount of time inside of our own heads - thinking, analyzing, agonizing and obsessing over every little detail of our business. Sometimes, we need a break from ourselves. Meditation is a chance to let the thinking mind rest.

As a leader, your job is to share your vision with your followers and either warn them of danger or highlight opportunities coming in the future.

It's almost always easier to sell to an existing customer base than to find a new one.

While entrepreneurs spend a lot of effort trying to avoid failure, sometimes the lessons one learns from those missteps can be invaluable.

Your clients are critical to your business. Don't lose touch with who they are and why they've chosen to do business with you.

New things get noticed. This means you can't be afraid to present something new to your market, even if it's just a variation or an addition to an already-existing product or service.

Becoming an authority in your industry can be a great way to promote your business and help you better serve your clients.

If something catches your attention, it's probably going to catch the attention of others, too.

The ability to network successfully can be one of the greatest assets in business. It allows some people to find incredible opportunities, while others just watch from the sidelines.

The more content you share, the more opportunity people have to see it and engage with it.

As funny as some photos can be, think twice about allowing yourself to be tagged in questionable photos.

Social media is not the place to work out your problems with people.

We all know a lot about something. We all have a passion about something.