Having a story is what people connect with, but the story alone doesn't allow you to achieve greatness and results. It's the day-to-day consistency of providing value to your audience.

It took a lot of time and constant feedback to realize what wasn't working in my life, and it will be an ongoing journey until the day I die.

Every successful sports season I had included detailed daily itineraries. We received one in the morning and one before practice, and they set us up to win.

If you can't be present when the time comes, then you may miss the opportunity.

One of my favorite things about being the host of 'The School of Greatness' is that I get to learn from the best minds in the world about stuff I am fascinated by.

When I started my podcast, 'The School of Greatness,' one of the top three people I wanted to get on the show was Tony Robbins.

Instead of telling a story about how great your brand is, try telling a story that shows you completely understand and empathize with your customer and their life.

People can see themselves in a story much easier than they can see themselves in a hypothetical situation that a brand might present to them. So telling stories to build a relationship with your audience is usually far more effective than other methods of marketing or publicity.

You can manage your energy - just slow down and be.

Every great leader knows that his or her role comes with responsibility for those who follow him or her, and in ensuring they provide value in return for their loyalty.

Entrepreneurs typically have an instinct for smelling opportunity, but that same killer instinct can quickly turn to weakness when it becomes a distraction from primary goals.

For me, managing my energy means slowing myself down before the big event. I slow down the racing thoughts in my mind. I concentrate on and slow down my breathing. I listen to and steady my heart rate.

Don't allow people to suck up all your time with their questions or problems. Learn to say 'no' more often.

Recognizing poor leadership is a vital skill to help you achieve greatness.

Delivering a successful presentation could mean landing a major new contract, better prices for your services, or getting the funding you need. Failure can mean lost customers and a business that never gets off the ground.

Coming from losing my dream of playing professional football, not having a college degree at the time and looking to jump into the business world at a young age was pretty daunting for me.

There have been many times when I was working out intensely and in the best shape of my life, and then, for whatever reason, I got off track. Before I knew it, 3 or 4 months would go by, and all of a sudden, I'd find myself exhausted halfway up a flight of stairs!

If you don't want to live a life where you go to a job every day just so you can enjoy your weekends and get two weeks of vacation every year, then don't do it.

If you don't have the confidence to own the worth of your brand and share it unapologetically, you won't make a massive impact.

One of the best and often overlooked traffic sources online is LinkedIn.

I think I just care about people, and I have a mission to support them to succeed.

As a business owner who is looking to market his or her company, you should be on the lookout for opportunities to get face time with movers and shakers in your network.

The key in telling stories that people relate to is, not surprisingly, vulnerability and authenticity. That means that letting people know the struggle behind your brand - the failures and mistakes - and how you got through them is really important.

Many business owners dream of having their product or service endorsed by a global celebrity. But instead of trying to get a superstar to support your business, try seeking out a local celebrity instead.