In fact, I can confidently say that 'South Park's' penchant for unbridled derision has been directly responsible for my own joy in some times of terrible sadness.

Straight-news pieces are supposed to be just that: straight news. They are not supposed to be biased, and a longtime practice for ensuring this is to ask all subjects of a story for their comment.

The reality is, punishing people by using a sentencing enhancement that was clearly intended to punish people who had been doing something far worse is, by definition, a miscarriage of justice.

I am, quite clearly, no fan of PETA or its way of thinking - but that doesn't mean that I want the group to be silenced. Instead, I have simply done what we all are supposed to have the right to do in this country: to use my own speech to counter what I disagreed with, rather than to move to silence it.

There's people on the left who refuse to consider that anybody but the government can solve any of their problems.

As a woman, I have faced issues that men do not have to face - sexism included. I think that all women have, and that is totally unacceptable.

See, one of the greatest things about living in the United States is that we have the absolute freedom to say whatever we want about our government, while being protected against government retaliation.

Let's all be honest here for a second, okay - bacon? Not even that good. Now, I'm not saying that it's bad. I like bacon-wrapped dates, and I've also been known to enjoy a BLT a couple of times a year. What I'm saying is, bacon is fine, but it is objectively not so good that we need bacon-scented sunscreen.

I have lexical-gustatory synesthesia. I can taste, and always have tasted, words. I remember when I was a kid and learning to read I mentioned to my mom that certain words I was learning tasted certain ways, thinking everyone was like that, and didn't understand why she didn't get what I was saying.

I was in the journalism program in college and had some internships in print journalism during the summers. The plan was to go to Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism to learn broadcasting after I graduated. I was enrolled and everything, but ultimately decided that I could never afford to pay back the loan I'd have to take out.

Trump and his supporters often lambast news sources such as CNN as being the 'fake-news media' whose only goal is to take him down, and they're really doing themselves no favors when they say things that seem to support that.

Like him or not, you really should respect the fact that Justin Amash makes his political decisions based only on his principles - which is truly refreshing in our hyper-partisan era.

For some reason, our culture is one that preaches that furthering your education is something that is always worth the price tag, and the truth is, that simply isn't the case.

People often give Biden a pass for inaccurate and misleading statements - writing them off as nothing more than Crazy Uncle Joe being Crazy Uncle Joe.

Make no mistake... 'South Park' is brutal. It takes subjects that aren't supposed to be touched at all and handles them roughly. It's true that it's crude and rude and disgusting, even in its treatment of subjects that are supposed to be solemn - spoken of only in polite whispers and polished platitudes if they're ever spoken of at all.

Too many people don't look at things objectively and try to see the facts; they instead look at them through their partisan lenses and try to figure out how to twist or spin them to fit their own 'side.'

Our freedom to criticize the government - as openly and brutally as we want to - serves as a vital check against unbridled government power and control.

If you have ever read my columns, you know how important free speech is to me... and how important it should be to everyone.

There is value in education, but, as we do with anything else, we should start being careful to weigh that value with the price tag that's attached to it.

The United States is, after all, supposed to be a free country - and it has never made any sense to me that choices about what to put into our own bodies aren't ours and ours alone.

Although I certainly do love animals, I have to admit that I also love eating them. (Particularly cows. And chickens. And the occasional lamb).

See, as a libertarian, I am actually far more liberal on the issue of immigration than many people might expect.

President Donald Trump has now sued the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN over opinion pieces that they've published - and really, he should stop.

It's always better to treat those with whom you disagree with compassion - if not for compassion's sake, then because it makes it much more likely that they'll actually be willing to listen to what you have to say.