Some writers think that fiction is the space of great neutrality where all humans share the same concerns, and we are all alike. I don't think so. I'm interested in class warfare because I think it's real.

For me, art is not 'brooding.' It comes from someplace that is more fun and that has a kind of electricity to it.

I don't think of myself as a gearhead or a motorcyclist. I'm not that young, and this is like another life of mine. But the people I know from that era think of me that way.

Happiness is a mysterious concept. It seems to work best as futurity: at that point I will be happy, et cetera. I feel like I experience small pieces of joy day to day.

When one is the type of writer who cares about the meaning of the historically specific setting, the history itself is not something that I would call backdrop. It's not window dressing for a timeless relationship about love and betrayal. For me, the setting and the specific history are active co-agents with me in trying to form the novel.

Some of the best dishes I can remember are from my childhood. Sometimes, whenever I want to feel like a kid again, I just whip them up for the family.

I am one of the most organized people I have ever met, and even with all my planning, I still feel like I'm constantly forgetting things.

We love pasta at the Hollis home! It's super easy, and there's so many different recipes we can make that the boys never get tired of having it.

I have been a working mom as long as I've been a mom.

I love breakfast! Not only is it the most important meal of the day, but I loved waking up to - the smell of bacon in the morning was my favorite thing as a kid!

You have to attach some sort of emotional reason to any big goal you're after, or you will give up.

Was there ever a better invention in the cookie world than the Oreo?

Every single part of our persona, no matter how long we've rocked it, is a choice we make every day.

There's no better way to treat your Valentine then with a delicious meal.

We all know you can't have a Fourth of July barbecue without the fixings that go with it.

If you decide on a goal - for example, 'I'm going to write a novel' or 'I'm going to run a 10K' - your subconscious will formulate the likelihood of that happening based on past experiences.

I grew up in a small town, and mental illness wasn't something anyone talked about.

In retrospect, I never thought of myself as conceited - I never even wore makeup or styled my hair until I was an adult - but having Bell's Palsy made me hyper-aware of the way I looked. I became completely depressed, never wanting to get out of bed or even answer the phone.

I wake up each morning and make my schedule, and when I do, I plan the work around when I'll be able to handle it best.

My husband is a high-level executive at one of the largest media companies on the planet. He leads a worldwide team of more people than I can keep track of. He worked his way up from an assistant with drive and determination.

Having a baby will put your marriage through the ringer, and if you're lucky, you'll come out the other end stronger for it.

Whenever I am feeling happy or sad, I always find comfort in food.

I have been known to, on more than one occasion, look down my nose at items I deem to be tacky wedding fare... carnations, tulle, DIY invitations. And yet, the wedding I'm most embarrassed of having planned, the one I'd never put into my portfolio, is my own.

Be honest with yourself about what you're blowing off. A little cancellation here or a bow-out there can add up... but only if you refuse to acknowledge your actions.