Mental illness lives all around us every day. I've seen it in other family members, I've seen it in friends, and I've dealt with it myself with my own postpartum depression.

To qualify the term 'boss' by adding 'girl' or 'babe' or 'honey' or 'pink' or whatever other ridiculous, antiquated-gender role assignment the media thinks is cute this month, is, at the least, disrespectful and at the worst, damaging to the way young women view themselves and our fight for equality in the business world.

Dips are the perfect appetizer for any outdoor party! They are super easy to make and equally delicious!

Women often live according to rules they get from magazines or media. For example, if I don't have kids by the age of 30, there must be something wrong with me. Goals are great to have, but having too many expectations won't work, and worse, it will alienate your partner.

Gratitude practice is really, really important to me. I think it's an incredible way to start your day.

I've tried digital planners and fancy planners and date books galore, but my tried and true is actually just a large spiral-bound notebook.

For me, using a notebook every day keeps me on track! Some people use planners; those are great, too.

The second you get set in your ways is the second a newer, fresher, more innovative company is going to come in and take your market share.

Summer at the Hollis household is all about us getting together and enjoying the pool, and Fourth of July is probably one of my favorite holidays to do just that.

Every successful business professional I know is constantly learning, reading, growing in their field.

Decor sets the stage for any party, and it also gives a great indication to your guests as to how much effort you've put into hosting them within your home.

There's nothing better on Christmas morning than waking up to the smell of breakfast!

Being a boss takes guts and tenacity. Being a boss takes hustle and strength. Getting to the level of boss takes hard work - often times, harder than our male counterpoint because in many industries, we're fighting our way into a boys' club.

Falling down doesn't matter, even if you do it a hundred times. All that matters is that you get up again.

For years, I've admired wrist tattoos, but I was always afraid that they would hurt - I'm kind of a weenie about pain. In fact, it's why I wear so many bracelets on my left wrist. The bracelets represented the words or phrases I'd want to get tattooed but didn't have the courage to.

I can think of many reasonable excuses for needing a cocktail, but Cinco De Mayo is always a no-brainer.

The best way to celebrate the holidays is with some delicious food.

I'm a pretty early riser, so I'm sort of the queen of five A.M. I love getting up early. It's how I've written most of my books - that hour and a half before my kids are up.

I graduated high school a year early and moved to Los Angeles to go to acting school, which is hilarious.

My favorite podcast ever is 'How I Built This.'

I like to tell people that I have some of the biggest mentors in the world... they just don't know I exist. Dave Ramsey, Sara Blakely, Oprah, Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard - I've learned everything I know from their wisdom through books, podcasts and conferences.

The most interesting people to me are entrepreneurs. As someone who's owned my own business for over a decade, I am always so inspired by people who are building things.

My early years as a 'speaker' involved note cards that shook like a leaf while I held them because I was so nervous.

People always send me notes saying they'd love to be a speaker, but they could 'never speak as well as you do!' I'm like, 'Girl, of course you won't. You're just starting out... everyone stinks when they start!'