"We've had soldiers that were so badly hurt and killed. I want their families to get something."

"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance."

"A happy family is but an earlier heaven."

"The traditional writer is a sensitive only child, asthmatic, who sits on the window seat watching the drops of rain slide down the pane, very introspective. I'm not inward-looking. I would never go to a shrink. I don't want to know what I'm thinking. I don't really like discussions in my family. It may be an avoidance thing."

"My best friend is the most important girl, outside of family, to me. I met her when I went to college and we bonded immediately. I'd do anything for her at any time. We phone each other every day."

"It was fantastic to work in Cornwall partly because my family live there "so "I was able to do lots of visiting and eat lots of cake. They live all over Cornwall and all over Devon."

"Unusual degree. This family became divided eight generations"

"I won't talk to you about my family and you won't talk to me about yours. Family talk is either boring or self-pitying. Or it's Gothic, like a Faulkner novel. Who needs to talk about it? It's enough to live it."

"When poor people get involved in a long conflict, such as a strike or a civil rights drive, and the pressure increases each day, there is a deep need for spiritual advice. Without it, we see families crumble, leadership weaken, and hard workers grow tired."

"We shall strike. We shall organize boycotts. We shall demonstrate and have political campaigns. We shall pursue the revolution we have proposed. We are sons and daughters of the farm workers' revolution, a revolution of the poor seeking bread and justice."

"The consumer boycott is the only open door in the dark corridor of nothingness down which farm workers have had to walk for many years. It is a gate of hope through which they expect to find the sunlight of a better life for themselves and their families."

"When the man who feeds the world by toiling in the fields is himself deprived of the basic rights of feeding, sheltering, and caring for his own family, the whole community of man is sick."

"When I was growing up, I was very lucky. My family was the most important thing to me. They provided me with somewhere safe to grow and learn, and I know I was fortunate not to have been confronted by serious adversity at a young age."

"Addiction is a hugely complex and destructive disease, and its impact can be simply devastating. All too often, lives and families can be shattered by it."

"There is no rule book, no right or wrong; you just have to make it up and do the very best you can to care for your family."

"Everyone teases me in the family that I spend far too long chatting. So I think I've still got to learn a little bit more and to pick up a few more tips, I suppose."

"I have learned that delivering the best possible palliative care to children is vital, providing children and their families with a place of support, care and enhancement at a time of great need is simply life-changing."

"I hope we will be able to have a happy family ourselves."

"Around-the-clock support is crucial for children receiving palliative care. They and their families often need help every hour of every day, both in hospices and at home."

"First-class delivery of children's palliative care is life-changing. When families are confronted with the shattering news that their children have a life-limiting condition, their world can fall apart."

"Not all children have the anchor of a strong family."

"Patriarchy's chief institution is the family. It is both a mirror of and a connection with the larger society; a patriarchal unit within a patriarchal whole."

"If I'm going to leave my family for any length of time, it had better be for a role that I haven't played before, with great people. It had better be fun."

"I have siblings. And there are certain things I know that I can push their buttons. And they know they have certain things where they can push mine."