I'm a really big Juice Press fan. There is a store right around the corner from my apartment in New York.

I just try to be in tune with my body. If I start to feel sick, I will try to catch it at the root. I don't really let myself get to the point where it becomes a problem. That's so important when you're travelling because if you land in Paris and you have to go from the airport straight to set, you don't have time to go to the doctor.

I know that I won't be modelling forever, but I think I'll be in the entertainment industry. I would love to host a talk show one day or have a cooking show. I love to cook... I'm really open, so we'll see.

You have to realise that everyone that you are working with is important. It doesn't matter where you are starting from; you are always going to run back into those people, and they are going to talk, and that's going to be the base of whether you get good opportunities or not.

It's good to know how to be sexy, but something I'm still trying to work on is learning how to not be sexy, because that's an important part of growing as a model.

I just started using this app called Wine and Dine. It's like Instagram, but only for food. You post what you're eating and follow your friends, and then you can say, 'I wanna try that,' and so when you go on your 'wanna try' list, it'll tell you where it is.

I like experimenting with different hair care, and when I get sick of it, I always mix it up. Ghd makes this mousse that I add to John Frieda's Frizz Ease, and it makes a ponytail hold really well.

I've learned very quickly to fall asleep wherever I can. I sleep in the car from event to event or show to show sometimes.

I have a weird thing against facials. I feel like all day my face is being touched and messed with on set, so I don't want more people touching my face!

If you're not a makeup artist, and you just try to go for the big looks, it just gets the best of you.

I'm all for one month of going really hard and eating really healthy and boxing every day if you're doing it for, like, one job.

Honestly... I only get starstruck over chefs.

I am the biggest foodie ever.

When I was 11, I made truffle risotto for my family for Christmas dinner.

I'm the only one in - of my siblings, my mom and my family - that hasn't been affected by Lyme disease. It's been really hard for me because I'm the only one that doesn't really understand it.

High school is when I started to get my sense of fashion together. My queen was Candice Swanepoel, who is a friend of mine now, which is kind of funny, but in high school, I was obsessed. I love her street style: she is always in cool boyfriend jeans, boots, and an awesome coat, which is very much like what I wear.

I went to almost all of the agencies in New York when I first visited. A lot of them wanted to sign me but also kind of indirectly were telling me that I needed to change in some way. Some directly told me that I wouldn't be a model unless I changed the way that my body looked.

I know that the designers that have me in their shows have me for a reason, I know that the designers that don't have me in their shows don't have me for a reason, and I accept either way.

I was always in front of the camera. My mom was really passionate about photography - I have pictures of my whole life. I've always just been in front of my mom's camera, and it's always comfortable to me.

My makeup artist likes to define my brows with Maybelline Brow Drama. We brush up on the part closest to my nose and it's straight after that. Then, I like to use the matte brown shades from Maybelline The Nudes Palette to shadow my eyes, but without it looking like I'm wearing much.

I think that something photographers find about me is that I work really hard to make sure I know what they want before I start shooting.

Rag & Bone is a big part of my closet. I just really like how their jeans fit; I wear them a lot, and I think they make really cool staple pieces.

I started modeling when I was about 2 or 3 years old; I started with Baby Guess, and I did Guess Kids, and that was the extent of my modeling career as a kid. I took all of my elementary, middle and high school years off to focus on school and sports.

I'm kind of the model that everyone thought would always be the Guess, 'Sports Illustrated' girl. Then, when I started to do high fashion stuff... people were like, 'Oh, so we can have a girl with, like, thighs and a butt in a Tom Ford campaign. Cool.'