The bigger fan base you have, the more companies will be attracted to you. And having a following, you can be so much more involved being a representative with the brand you're working with.

I pay attention to how every makeup artist does everything.

I'm kind of a grandma, so I like cooking for my boyfriend and watching a movie. I cook a lot, actually. I'll make bacon-wrapped asparagus, steak, and pesto pasta with chicken...but we go out to dinner a fair amount, too.

No, I don't think I have the same body type as the other models in shows. No, I don't think I am the best at any given show. Yes, I want a unique walk, but I also know I have to improve.

I personally would rather do the Master Cleanse for ten days than just eat salad for six months.

My Pirelli calendar is hanging on the wall of my friend's frat house, and he doesn't know anything about fashion. That balance is what leads to big campaigns outside of fashion. But I never want to choose one or the other. Both commercial and high fashion are what make my job so interesting.

One time, my ex-boyfriend and I were in Paris, and we went to this really fancy dinner. We weren't full after, so we walked from the schmoozy restaurant to McDonald's, and we finished our date at McDonald's. It was awesome.

I usually do my hair and makeup in 30 to 45 minutes, and if my hair is dirty, I'll just put it in a bun or a ponytail. If it's in a bun, I'll part it down the middle and do a low bun with a couple pieces in the front coming down.

I don't really have the patience to do my hair, which is why it's always parted down the middle, slicked, in a low ponytail or a messy high bun. I'm too lazy to do my own hair, but I like doing my makeup.

I'm always tan and blonde and don't really fit into New York. I'm a California girl, even if I try and cover it up with leather.

I usually stalk fans because I think they're really funny on Twitter. They don't know it, but I'll just go through their timelines, and if something is happening in the media, I always read fan accounts instead of the news because they have all the info and make the funniest jokes about it, so that's how I get my gossip - by stalking fans.

In real life, I'm so goofy and super weird. I'm never mean, but people don't see the weird side of me. Like, I'll be dancing around. My best friends will always say that they wish others saw that side of me, when I'm doing a weird dance or weird faces or voices.

My mom was a model, so she's been really good about giving me tips on how to navigate behind the scenes - like the importance of being nice to everyone on set and remembering people's names, to how to be a positive part of the photo shoot and stuff like that.

You find how you feel your best, whether you feel better when you're eating gluten-free or whatever it is. I feel better when I eat a burger every other night.

You're on set for 15 hours, and then you go home and make sure you're posting the right stuff on social media, and then you answer your e-mails. It never stops.

I think it's really important that I'm not the only model in the world that goes through personal problems. People forget that we're human. We don't get to call in sick. You have to go and put on a smile. Every single day is a first impression, so you can't have a bummed-out day.

I've always said that I feel lucky to live in the era of social media and be a working model in this time. Back in the day, models were just another face. But social media has given people a voice and not just another face. Not only can you show the world your personality and stuff like that, but you can be a brand ambassador easily.

Once you just tell yourself, 'OK, I'm going to have a breakdown right now, and I'm going to cry for an hour, put my phone away. I'm going to go swimming, and then I'm gonna make my family dinner and lay on the couch and watch 'Ru Paul's Drag Race,' once you accept that it's not the day and you can just have a breakdown, you're over it.

Twitter is the place where I try to be more funny. And then I use Instagram just as my diary. I pull some jokes on there, but I think people have a better sense of humor on Twitter.

I will be the first to say, when I started, I was the worst on the runway ever. I feel like I try to keep learning every time I step off a runway; I try to get better with each one. I hope that I'm getting better as I go - it takes a few seasons to get your Karlie Kloss walk on.

In third grade, I played basketball with the boys every day at lunch. I had braces that were yellow and purple, and I wore full Laker uniforms to school.

In California, I'm more of a beach chick, and I kind of take on a model city girl when I'm in New York.

When I was young, I did Baby Guess and Guess Kids - Paul Marciano saw me when I was a baby and decided I was going to be his next whatever. After Guess Kids, my mom made me stop. She would not let me sign with an agency until I was 17 because she wanted me to be a normal kid and accept myself for who I was.

I'm from Malibu, California. Once I tell people, they're like, 'Oh, of course you're from Malibu; that makes sense.' I guess I am your typical just-graduated-high-school-in-Malibu type of girl. Our school was just across from Zuma beach, and we all wore Lululemons and bathing suit tops to go to the grocery store - no makeup, no shoes.