We learn from the hard taskmaster of experience. We discern between good and evil. We differentiate as to the bitter and the sweet. We discover that decisions determine destiny.

Cooperativeness is not so much learning how to get along with others as taking the kinks out of ourselves, so that others can get along with us.

We need learn what we need to learn, know what we need to know, and do what we need to do.

Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present.

The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.

To those of us who survived [...], it also means that we have learned to stand outside our history and watch it, without feeling too much. A little schizoid.

The least of learning is done in the classrooms.

Almost every place has a moment of the day, an angle and intensity of light, in which it looks its best. When you're stuck someplace, you learn that time and you look forward to it.

We can only learn so much and live.

She didn't give a damn about some of them, but she had grown to learn that inattention can be a stratagem to avoid pain, and that it is often misread as shallowness and indifference.

Once you place that crown of liar on your head, you can take it off again, but it leaves a stain for all time.

Admitting that you do not know something is the first step to learning.

If you want to take what I've learned and use it to your advantage, just listen and you won't have to go through it.

If you learn how to forgive others for not being strong, then people can learn how to forgive you for your own issues.

Each of us is sometimes a cretin, a fool, a moron, or a lunatic. A normal person is just a reasonable mix of these components, these four ideal types.

True learning must not be content with ideas, which are, in fact, signs, but must discover things in their individual truth.

Then why do you want to know?" "Because learning does not consist only of knowing what we must or we can do, but also of knowing what we could do and perhaps should not do.

We can learn something new anytime we believe we can.

Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves.

I want to get better. Every time you lose, you learn from it, and after every win, you look to building on the tempo.

I took piano lessons when I was younger and I've been trying to learn how to play the guitar recently. I'd really like to learn how to play the drums. They're a lot of fun and they require a lot of focus.

If I'm singing, I'm happy - that's what I've learned about myself.

Through my work with PETA, I have learned a great deal about chimpanzee behavior and the plight of chimpanzees imprisoned in laboratories.

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed.