I'm a bit of a Fleetwood Mac girl. I also think you can't beat a bit of old school Girls Aloud to get in the mood for going out.

I think London as a city is so diverse and multicultural, anything goes really. The fashion here reflects that - there are so many different styles of dressing throughout the city. In London, you can be very experimental with fashion; it's totally accepted, even if you stand out.

Being a child growing up in the 80s, my mum experimented with dressing me in quite a lot of day-glo.

Wear clothes that fit. It's the most important thing. Don't just see something you like and automatically pick up a size 12 because that's what you think you are. Try on the sizes bigger and smaller than what you expect to be, and buy what genuinely fits and feels most comfortable.

I'm a television presenter, television is my first love.

I have a thing about stars, they are my favourite motif.

I like men that shop in Gap and look like proper boys.

I try not to focus too much on my appearance. As long as I'm being healthy, that's good enough for me.

I don't want to encourage eating disorders.

I like fashion but I'm not in love with fashion.

I think, myself, I would be quite guilty about wearing the same thing all the time. I would find something that works and stick with it.

I like clothes that feel good, look nice and are comfortable.

Take a picture of you in a mirror or/and get somebody to take a photo of you and look back at it, it's quite a good way to figure out what suits you and looks good.

I'd fantasised about being married since I was a little girl and dressed up in my mum's wedding dress.

I am fine if I am on a red carpet - I know what to do. You stop and smile and pose for a picture and that's fine.

My favourite place in the world is home.

I love everything about food; if you took it away you would be depriving me of one of my greatest pleasures. I love the whole process of it - buying it, cooking it, eating it, talking about it, talking over it.

I still dream of having a lifestyle brand but it's not good enough to have that selfish dream when your kids are getting older and have their own interests.

When you're making a decision that involves your children a certain amount of clarity comes with it.

I didn't expect to enjoy my work as much as I do and when you enjoy something it's hard to say no. But I could sit on the sofa and do nothing for weeks. I'd watch telly, I'd eat, I'd go online, I'd be so happy!

On 'I'm A Celebrity' it's important to have chemistry and to have a friendship as a starting point you can grow from.

As a busy mum, my beauty routine is quite simple, as I don't have a huge amount of time, so I use products that are quick and easy. I don't tend to use different products for night and day either.

I love being pregnant, I love giving birth, I love all that, it's like wearing a wedding dress, I don't want that all to be over.

I never wear any makeup over the weekend, unless I'm going to a wedding!