When you have to fight for the things you love, you have to measure the value of those things in ways you may not in any other way.

Love conquers all - love is the grace that transcends any kind of injustice in the end.

It is a fact that, today, up to seven million people a year are dying from fossil fuel pollution.

Also, stick around. Don't lose your heart, just keep going, keep at it.

When people sit across from people - gay, straight, whatever - and they talk, they find out that people they may have been demonizing for their lifetime aren't the demons we've expected them to be.

You value the thing you are fighting for, but then you learn to value the time it takes to do it and the time you have off. Both of which are precious.

Today, wind is the cheapest energy in America; solar is not far behind. In time, fossil fuels will only get more and more expensive.

Burning natural gas will not save us from climate change. It's the same as burning any other carbon-based fuel.

People are like, 'How does Julianne Moore look naked?' I don't know. She was pressed up against me the whole time. I couldn't look at her.

By electrifying our lives, we reduce our energy costs by 39 percent, which is a huge savings in itself.

I enjoyed growing up part of my life in Virginia Beach. We had the ocean and the beach and a beautiful landscape.

There's a misperception about actors that we actually choose the roles we end up doing - it's more that we're chosen for them.

I have a carpool with a corrections officer and a construction worker. My kids get to see that we're not segregated based on wealth or standing. It's very cool.

Nothing anyone says in a bar is true.

No great advancement has ever been kept at bay because of ideology, nor greed. Eventually progress moves us forward.

Folks should be able to harvest, store, use, or sell their own energy as they see fit. This is not a Democratic nor Republican issue, and if anyone tries to convince you it is, they are being purposely misleading.

My dad [...] sent me a text saying, 'You know who you should play? Columbo. That's your Academy Award.'

I know what it's like to have these big multinational corporations invade your land and promise jobs and promise it's gonna be safe, and then you see the consequences.

There is nothing a good long walk can't help work out.

Climate change is the greatest threat to our existence in our short history on this planet. Nobody's going to buy their way out of its effects.

I'm very nervous in the beginning and then I get in there and start doing my work and I feel more comfortable.

That's my secret Cap: I'm always angry.

The biggest industry hoax is that the United States can't move to renewable energy now. It's a lie.

Some of my favorite scenes aren't in the movie. Because you, at some point, realize that your responsibility as director is purely to the story. It's not to your pleasure.