If my career were a hairstyle, it would be helmet-head.

It's always been a desire of mine to work with my parents

I'm interested in flawed protagonists. I was raised on them.

When man decides he can control nature, he's in deep trouble

There's something so accessible about heroes who have faults.

That's life - to turn each other on, to feel good, to feel in love.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is one of the greatest films of all time.

It would be great to make a movie that had the style of a great '30's film.

The really courageous and bold thing is to make movies about human behaviour

You can hardly tell where the computer models finish and the real dinosaurs begin

There's always a side of a woman that likes a man from the other side of the tracks

I wanted to go to Jupiter. That was my plan from day one, and David Lynch gave me the ticket.

I feel that movies are gifts that come to you, and there are no accidents in what you end up doing.

We like our archetypes and heroes to be what they are at face value. And life doesn't work out like that

I don't turn my nose up at anything. If it's a great part, it's a great part. I'd love to do a box-office hit.

My mother opened a bank account for me when I made $60 on my first day of work as an extra. She's that kind of mother.

It's really fun to act like a bimbo. But it's fun to act like a bimbo only when people know that you really aren't one.

Unfortunately, overall, movies are a conglomerate. People buy and sell people in this business, which can get really ugly.

What do you say when someone has truly inspired you? How do you express to an artist how deeply their work has affected you?

You don't have to run away from life your whole life. You can really live. You can change. And you can be an agent of change.

Wild at Heart made a few people angry-they thought I was exploiting women by showing that when a woman says no she really means yes.

I made a commitment to myself: that I wanted to be an actress, and I wanted to do films that make a difference... It has to move people.

I'm lucky enough that directors sometimes seek me out for little projects that people don't even know about, that just surface later on.

I left our home to work on a movie, and while I was away, my boyfriend [Billy Bob Thorton] got married, and I've never heard from him again.