It's easy for me to look groomed, because I start the day on This Morning and have to be made up - so the rest of the day just follows from there.

It is a wrench when you have to go back to work after maternity leave, whether you've had two months or over a year.

For me, I had just come from kids telly, 'Dancing on Ice' was the first grown-up telly I had ever done.

All my labours were very different, but that moment when you look in your child's eyes for the first time and that feeling of love wooshes into every part of your being was the same for all of them.

Every woman needs to look in the mirror and instinctively decide what will make her feel happy and good about herself and her body; that's all I did.

I'm sorry, I just don't want to be a part of this conspiracy to make women feel pressured about their bodies.

No two births are the same and no two babies are the same, as I found out.

A good work-life balance is, for me, the most important thing - and the biggest challenge I have.

My job as a mother isn't just to provide for my children, it's to be there for them, too - someone they can speak to, hang out with, and lean on.

Working mums and stay-at-home mums get a tough time. You're damned if you do and damned if you son't. You just have to do what's right for you and not listen to what the mummy brigade say.

Just watching this woman owning the TV, there is no doubt that the reason I wanted to get into TV presenting is down to Cilla.

There is a lot of opportunity - wonderful, amazing things, like a dream. But I've got a family, and it's not just about my dreams.

That's what a family is, isn't it? Making space and time for one another.

I mean, something has to give. You can have it all at work, you can have it all at home, but you can't have it all completely combined.

I don't think you should want everything at work, because home life is so important, and much more nourishing for your soul. One day work will end.

Being a mum can be utterly overwhelming.

My friends were amazed that I became a TV presenter. I was not a big talker at school - I never liked people seeing my braces, so I walked around with my sleeves pulled over my hands and my hands over my mouth in case anybody saw me smiling.

I was an imaginative kid. My sister needed entertaining, whereas I was the one under the table playing with a bit of fluff on the carpet. I was the sort of child who would spend time rolling up balls of all different kinds of fluff and that would be my little family.

I can't stand the assumption that I'm blonde and a bit stupid.

I Iike listening to people talking. I'm really interested in people's lives and what makes us work, what makes us weak, at times, and things that can make us stronger.

People will always see things that they want to see but, ultimately, 'Celebrity Juice' is about three mates having an absolute laugh.

On 'This Morning' we've got a really good team of people - everyone knows their jobs inside out so you can really just rely on something to be done.

I don't think I'm any different on 'Celebrity Juice' or daytime telly. It's what's going on around me that's different. I don't suddenly become all outrageous and rude on 'Celebrity Juice.'

There was no other training ground like kids' telly for becoming a TV presenter.