The working-class folks and the poor, and those normal people living their lives out in the world without the glitter and the fanfare. There is a lot to learn from them.

Even if my movies weren't big blockbusters, directors generally liked me, so they would fight for me.

I'd never seen anyone do a rebuttal review to some of the reviews.

Artists have always been the front line; that's part of our responsibility. But a lot of the big actors come out, they get slammed, and then they retreat.

That was an interesting aspect: to go to war with the Church to fight for the very thing that the Church was meant to give to people.

Trying to find the story within the story was hard. Filmmaking is such a reductive process in a strange way and you keep whittling away to what is essential.

Electrify your life! With heating and cooling, cooking and travel, and you will be doing a lot to help the future of this planet. There is no need to burn anything anymore.

My kids get very upset with me when I leave to do film work, but they have a lot of patience with me when I leave to do environmental work.

Whoever controls your energy controls your destiny. 100 percent renewable energy is 100 percent American.

Activists must be admired for the sacrifices they are willing to make for those things they hold dear. I would say those kinds of ways of looking at life enrich the value of life, and that is a good thing.

I have a bag full of stuff that I give to people when they come to my house.

Most great parts for guys in wheelchairs tend to go to actors who walk.

There's a level of trust that you have to have with somebody.

I grew up on Lake Michigan during the PCB explosion, and I remember seeing the sick, dead fish with tumors, the weird deformed seagulls, the scum and the filth floating. We couldn't go swimming.

It's a point of pride that no one would treat me any differently because I'm an actor than if I was a gardener.

When you're on the road, you sort of go crazy and being away from your family you get stir-crazy and lonely, so I try to keep myself involved as much as possible.

When you're trying to do character work that's different from what people expect from you, you're sort of in territory that is uncharted, and you don't know how it's playing all the time.

Each role, I feel like takes you on a different journey based on who that character is.

The fact that I can make a living and support three kids and my wife doing what I love to do... who does that? That's golden. It's a very privileged thing.

I got into acting because I wanted to act and I love acting. That's my true north: to be creative and to be challenged in what I love to do.

The idea of selling is a projection that people create about people that is more of a reflection of who they are than what is actually happening in front of them with the artist.

My first cut was three hours and 17 minutes. And then I just became very shrewd about the editing.

Actors, you kind of have these ebbs and flows. These moments where you're in your glory - where you're really cracking - and moments where you're not.

I love acting and I love it in all its different manifestations.