The Lord gives us wings He gives us a stomach we can fly or vomit

In time we often become one with those we once failed to understand.

Just come back, I was thinking. You've been gone long enough. Just come back. I will stop traveling; I will wash your clothes.

I reflected on the fact that no matter how good I aspired to be, I was never going to achieve perfection

To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are. It's freedom.

The mind of a child is like a kiss on the forehead — open and disinterested

People say beware, but I don't care. Their words are just rules and regulations to me.

Not all dreams need to be realized.

I suspected my soul, being mischievous, might slip away while I was dreaming and fail to return.

It was like being at an Arabian hoedown with a band of psychedelic hillbillies (p. 171).

I knew one day I would stop and he would keep on going, but until then nothing could tear us apart.

Remember, we are mortal, but poetry is not.

Holding onto the naive belief that travel will open.

He wasn't certain whether he was a good or bad person. Whether he was altruistic. Whether he was demonic. But he was certain of one thing. He was an artist. And for that he would never apologize.

Please, no matter how we advance in technology please don't abandon the book-there is nothing in our material world more beautiful than a book.

I got over the loss of his desk and chair, but never the desire to produce a string of words more precious than the emeralds of Cort�s.

I preferred an artist who transformed his time, not mirrored it." - reference to Andy Warhol

When you hit a wall, just kick it in.

Anxious for some permanency, I guess I needed to be reminded how temporal permanency is.

Robert was concerned with how to make the photograph, and I with how to be the photograph.

I knew if I lived long enough I would be poet laureate of something.

People have the power to redeem the work of fools.

How is it that we never completely comprehend our love for someone until they’re gone?

He took twelve pictures that day. Within a few days he showed me the contact sheet. "This one has the magic," he said. When I look at it now, I never see me. I see us.