“Mohammed had invited the Jews and Christians to join him; for he was not building a new religion. He was calling all who believed in one God to join in a single faith.”

“You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for.”

“Tidak ada hal lain yang akan didapati oleh seorang yang sudah mengorbankan segalanya hari ini untuk satu impiannya di masa nanti, kecuali dia akan bertemu dengan impiannya itu”

“One’s dominating desires can be crystallized into their physical equivalents through definiteness of purpose backed by definiteness of plans with the aid of rhythm and time”

“Employers who understand human nature, get the best there is in men, not by criticism, but by constructive suggestion.”

“Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.”

“The majority of people who acquire wisdom do so after they have passed the age of forty. Prior to that time the majority of people are too busy gathering knowledge and organizing it into plans to spend any effort seeking wisdom.”

“Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts which have been well-mixed with emotion or feeling.”

“Poverty needs no plan. It needs no one to aid it, because it is bold and ruthless. Riches are shy and timid. They have to be “attracted.”

“First: I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose, therefore I demand of myself persistent, aggressive and continuous action toward its attainment.”

“Tell the world what you intend to do but first show it.”

“He recalled, too, his mistake in having stopped only three feet from gold. “But,” he said, “that experience was a blessing in disguise. It taught me to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be, a lesson I needed to learn before I could succeed in anything.”

“the famous Emil Coué formula, ‘Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better’,”

“Every failure carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater reward’.”

“Your financial requirements or wants have nothing whatever to do with your WORTH. Your value is established entirely by your ability to render useful service or your capacity to induce others to render such service.”

“Your achievement can be no greater than your PLANS are sound. That may seem to be an axiomatic statement, but it is true.”

“Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one

“You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”

“KNOWLEDGE will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been the source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that "knowledge is power." It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end.”

“Men and women who come to the closing chapter of life disappointed because they did not attain the goal which they had set their hearts upon achieving, they teach you what not to do.”

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

“The Creator never singles out an individual for an important service to mankind without first testing him, through struggle, in proportion to the nature of the service he is to render.”

“Memory is the 'filling cabinet' of the brain wherein is stored all thought impulses, all conscious experiences, and all sensations which reach the brain through the five physical senses.”

“Nature has endowed man with absolute control over but one thing, and that is thought.”