A lesson taught with humor is a lesson retained.

Travel has always been one of the best ways to make new memories and reconnect with your loved ones.

I love to have no plans. It is amazing where your day can turn when you have no plans: meeting people or just going to a little pub on the side of the road.

Michael Lewis has the amazing ability to take complex formulas and concepts and turn them into page-turners.

George Lazenby was ill-equipped. It's not for nothing that they didn't offer him any sequels.

There are those who have a knowledge and passion for the theatre, and those who don't.

I don't mean to be oily, but critics are very much part of the theatre.

Once, when I was playing a nude scene in an indifferent play in New York, a critic wrote, 'Diana Rigg is built like a brick basilica with too few flying buttresses.' Do you think that's fair?

I've been utterly and completely castigated from time to time.

I would like to keep working forever. As long as they will have me.

It would be nice if they didn't make me get up at 5 A.M. for a 12-hour day. My caravan is never big enough to lie down. There is no little doze. You are knackered by the time you get home. Knackered.

I would head to the countryside for peace and silence. That would be the best way, away from panicked, hysterical people.

I am not aware of fans, because I don't live that sort of life, but I am awfully grateful.

The first time Rachie and I will be working together is on an episode of 'Doctor Who' specially written for us by Mark Gatiss. How lucky is that?

I have no way of comparing myself to other people my age; I can't compare myself with Jane Fonda, can I? I haven't had the work done. I admire the discipline of someone who maintains that degree of beauty, but I'm not prepared to do it.

I don't mind getting old except for the pain. I have two new knees, so going downstairs is not perfect. Nobody tells you about the pain.

You have to have the same power to lead the life you want as a man does, and that means earning the same amount of money. We still have a battle on our hands with that.

I've been in the business 60 years, and it's taken me this long to play a scene with a monkey. That's what happens if you stick around.

I find the whole feminist thing very boring. They are so much on the defensive that they dare not love a man because they feel assaulted by being dependent.

Years ago I was at a function, and I must have said something really rude to Paul Daniels the magician. I can't recall what I said, but I remember him looking utterly crestfallen. I'm not that sort of person, but I must have said something very cutting and belittling. Our paths haven't crossed since, but if they had, I would have said sorry to him.

I think you have to know someone to truly dislike them, don't you? That said, I'd shove most politicians into a cauldron and boil them up.

I was nice and well-mannered because I was taught manners. I was very imaginative and quite adventurous. I was a tomboy, and I was always jealous that my older brother Hugh had bigger toy aeroplanes than me. I was always playing with boys' toys; I don't remember owning any dolls.

I was very, very young, living in India. I'd been put to bed in the afternoon, and I had that lovely feeling you have when you're about to nod off. I remember the yellow curtains of the room blowing in the wind and feeling blissfully happy and content.

There were no prototypes for me - the telly was full of little blonde juveniles.