If you can't get a miracle, become one.

It always helps to have a bit of prayer in your back pocket. At the end of the day, you have to have something, and for me, that is God, Jesus, my Catholic upbringing, my faith.

To my eye, women get sexier around 35. They know a thing or two, and knowledge is always alluring.

I paint landscapes, figuratives. I painted all my life. In fact, I started as a commercial artist.

I found a great woman in Keely Shaye. Not if I searched a million times over would I find one as good.

Some people have a tendency to get knocked down in this business and sulk and whine, and they just create a rod for their back, really. You have to have broad shoulders and get through it.

I just find that you can become a very boring person living in L.A. I tell you, living there on a day-to-day basis is vacuous: terribly fake.

I think that genetically we're programmed to battle each other.

My family is my sanctuary.

I was lucky enough to make four Bond films. It finished in rather shambolic fashion, but I have no bitterness, no resentment.

Cancer is the most pernicious, insidious, disgusting disease of life.

I'm an artist, so I love the graphic design of Instagram.

We owe it to our children to be better stewards of the environment. The alternative? - a world without whales. It's too terrible to imagine.

There are a lot of funny things that happen in one's life.

Acting allows me to explore new worlds, to discover characters by delving into their lives, and ultimately to become someone else entirely.

For me, acting is doing.

I don't see myself as the Hunk of the Month.

It never felt real to me. I never felt I had complete ownership over Bond. Because you'd have these stupid one-liners - which I loathed - and I always felt phony doing them.

This man called President Bush has a lot to answer for. I don't know if this man is really taking care of America. This government has been shameful.

Someone like Roman Polanski comes with a lifetime of achievement, cinematically.

I'm a journeyman actor.

I have no desire to look at myself.

He's a fantastic actor, Kelsey Grammer. You don't have that kind of career without having a talent, without having something to say and to give to an audience.

Dealing with death is there forever, really, you know, because we all have to face it.