I thought it was ridiculous that I was being paid less than a cameraman, and I wanted to shame them. And I did.

I've always been on the side of fully emancipated women with independent minds.

Yes, well, you are quite camp, so I guess that he could see the point of you.

They do say that the profession gets increasingly difficult, but my career seems to have been inside out. I'm playing the biggest parts now that I'm older. That's probably right, because I wasn't ready for them before.

Maybe at this stage in my career, it's from that younger generation that I have most to learn.

I made a bit of a stink. At the time, it was considered very bad form.

I hope there's a tinge of disgrace about me. Hopefully, there's one good scandal left in me yet.

The older you get, I have to say, the funnier you find life. That's the only way to go.

No heart is so hard as the timid heart.

Everything is copy.

The truth is, most of the genuinely tragic episodes of lost food are things that are somewhat outside the reach of the home cook, even a home cook like me who has been known to overreach from time to time.

I’ve always believed that the concept of the Jewish princess was invented by a Jewish prince who couldn’t get his wife to fetch him the butter. I was not raised as

Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave?

Black makes your life so much simpler. Everything matches black, especially black.

Of course, everyone has something wrong with him, that’s for sure, but this guy probably had something really wrong. Perhaps

But the main problem with our marriages was not that our husbands wouldn’t share the housework but that we were unbelievably irritable young women and our husbands irritated us unbelievably. - The D Word

My parents had drinks and there were crudit�s for us- although they were not called crudit�s at the time, they were called carrots and celery.

I think I was so entranced with being a couple that I didn’t even notice that the person I thought I was a couple with thought he was a couple with someone else.

We know in one part of our brains that we are all going to die, but on some level we don’t quite believe it.

People always say that once it goes away you forget the pain. It's a cliche of childbirth. You forget the pain. I don;t happen to agree. I remember the pain. What you really forget is love.

Death doesn't really feel eventual or inevitable. It still feels... avoidable somehow. But it's not. We know in one part of our brains that we are all going to die, but on some level we don't quite believe it.

Sometimes I think that not having to worry a bout your hair anymore is the secret upside of death.

Men … I hate them. I’ve always hated them. You wonder why I always hang around with women and never with men, it’s because men do things like this.

Writers are cannibals. They really are. They are predators, and if you are friends with them, and if you say anything funny at dinner, or if anything good happens to you, you are in big trouble.