Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.

[L]iberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

It has ever been my hobby-horse to see rising in America an empire of liberty, and a prospect of two or three hundred millions of freemen, without one noble or one king among them. You say it is impossible. If I should agree with you in this, I would still say, let us try the experiment, and preserve our equality as long as we can. A better system of education for the common people might preserve them long from such artificial inequalities as are prejudicial to society, by confounding the natural distinctions of right and wrong, virtue and vice.

Yesterday the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; and a greater perhaps never was, nor will be, decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, ''that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States.''

When people talk of the freedom of writing, speaking or thinking I cannot choose but laugh. No such thing ever existed. No such thing now exists; but I hope it will exist. But it must be hundreds of years after you and I shall write and speak no more.

Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it.

There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.

Liberty, according to my metaphysics is a self-determining power in an intellectual agent. It implies thought and choice and power.

Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.

Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.

[T]he liberty, the unalienable, indefeasible rights of men, the honor and dignity of human nature, the grandeur and glory of the public, and the universal happiness of individuals, were never so skillfully and successfully consulted as in that most excellent monument of human art, the common law of England.

[A] republic . . . [is] a government, in which the property of the public, or people, and of every one of them was secure and protected by law . . . implies liberty; because property cannot be secured unless the man be at liberty to acquire, use or part with it, at his discretion, and unless he have his personal liberty of life and limb, motion and rest, for that purpose.

We must be willing to pay a price for freedom.

I think women want freedom. They want to be empowered. They want hope. They want love; they want all the things that I want, and I'm not afraid to say those things and act on them, and I think that's why they identify with me.

The whole world yearns after freedom, yet each creature is in love with his chains; this is the first paradox and inextricable knot of our nature.

I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom.

Freedom is not a tea party, India. Freedom is a war.

What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.

When I speak about freedom, it's about freedom of the spirit. Freedom of the spirit can't be represented by a body. It has to be art. It has to be all the colors. It has to be something that moves and has no boundaries.

Say make me, remake me. You are free to do it and I am free to let you because look, look. Look where your hands are. Now.

The function of freedom is to free someone else.

The best thing about being rich is the freedom; freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want. It doesn't suck.

Liberty, to define it, is nothing other than the absence of impediments to motion