Music will always be a part of my life. I love music and I don't care how many units I sell.

In manga, nothing actually moves, and you just have to draw the poses in each panel, but in anime, you have to draw the movements between those poses.

When I draw, I always recall my mindset when I was a child.

Lumped in as a hobby, I don't really like drawing pictures all that much, but thinking of it as work, it's the greatest.

With things like 'Dragon Ball,' in the case of fight scenes, I'd take the panel layout across two pages when the book is opened and alter it by angling them, and making them bigger or smaller, to give movement to the panels themselves.

With manga, in my art style, I don't do much in the way of techniques to create depth. But even though I don't do depth techniques through my art, I am conscious of depth itself.

I'm good at - or, rather, I like - giving names to characters.

If I had moved to Tokyo, I might even have become a completely different person... although, ever since the start, I've never wanted to move to Tokyo. I just can't handle there being so many people.

Weekly, monthly, or whatever, I'm just not good with being told I have to finish up according to a set schedule.

Ever since I was little, I've shied away from romance. It's not that I dislike women, but I'm not good with them.

I think it's best to know about lots of different things besides comics. I don't think you can become a cartoonist if you look at nothing but cartoons.

A teleporter would be nice. There are lots of places I want to go, but getting there is a pain.

I don't like music that much... I put on the TV. But I often play things like fast-tempo disco or Queen. I've liked those since way back when.

I have absolutely no preferences when it comes to food.

I would often draw in my sleep. That alone made for twice the work... I couldn't use the weird stuff I drew while dozing off, so I'd end up having to draw it all over again.

What I regret most after becoming a cartoonist is having used my real name. At first, I figured there was no way I'd sell anyhow, so I didn't even consider using a pen name.

There was a manga boom, so I read 'Astro Boy,' 'Osomatsu-kun,' and such. But what influenced me the most were things like 'Popeye' and Disney animation.

I was a mischievous child. I was also on the tall side.

I think comics are faster to draw with a pen and then fill and tone by computer. But my illustrations are all done via computer. I even draw the lines on a tablet.

'Dragon Ball''s villains were easy to draw: Piccolo, Freeza, Majin Boo.

The women I draw all have the same sort of personality. I can't draw gentle girls; I only know how to draw ones who are strong-willed.

Awww, I was so shy about watching my own work broadcast on TV.

For a long time, I've loved the kind of characters who are boastful yet petty. I was originally a gag manga artist, after all.

Basically, I'm always coming up with ideas for mixing the things I want to draw with things targeted at children.