After graduating from high school, I worked at an advertising agency as a designer. After I left, I spent a year doing nothing in particular. At age 23, I drew my first comic.

A good aspect of me is that I'm not too particular about things. A bad aspect is that I'm indecisive.

I like efficient people. I'm pretty impatient, so I can't stand people who putter around.

I'd want to be born once more as myself, but more talented.

It's a pain to draw different-looking humans.

I am not at all particular about things like hair styles and colors. Especially with women, changing their hairstyle or color is a bit too commonplace, don't you think?

Inside me, 'Dragon Ball' became a thing of the past, but later, I got upset at the live-action film, revised the script for the anime film, and complained about the quality of the TV anime. I guess, at some point, it became a work that I like so much that I can't leave it alone.

Most Saiyans are born with a talent for battle, but they still need to be taught the trick behind flying and stuff like that.

There's how, basically, Son Goku from 'Dragon Ball' doesn't fight for the sake of others but because he wants to fight against strong guys. So once 'Dragon Ball' got animated, at any rate, I've always been dissatisfied with the 'righteous hero'-type portrayal they gave him.

Saiyans don't have much of a concept of 'family.'

Do you remember 'Super Saiyan 3?' I forgot about it, and I thought that was 'Super Saiyan 2,' even though I created those characters.

I probably have the most fun thinking up original vehicles. I usually consider details such as how to get into them and where their engines are. When you draw a real-world car, you have to obtain some references. I'd hate to have someone point out that I'm wrong. But if it's something I invented, I can have it my way.

It's been a habit of mine since childhood to always be looking around. When I go shopping, I have more fun observing the town than shopping.

The method of producing comics in Japan is very hectic, but it's also rewarding because it's possible to do both the story and art all by yourself.

I've always liked to draw.

I really like the story of Bardock, Goku's father. It's quite dramatic and the kind of story I absolutely wouldn't draw if it were me. It was like watching a different kind of 'Dragon Ball' in a good way, so I thought it was nice.

If you want to depict something exactly the way it is, it takes a tremendous amount of time. If you don't get the details right, the inaccuracies will accumulate somewhere.

I'm always impressed with the work of animators. You have to be able to draw the scenes in between movements. I'm impressed with the way they can do that - I don't think I could.

In the beginning, I was planning to end 'Dragon Ball' when all seven Dragon Balls had been collected.

I'm not very good at depicting the characters' psychology on the page.

With enemies, it's easier to just have them be straight-up bad guys so they can just get beaten up.

I like Piccolo about the same as I like Goku.

I guess I like Piccolo the most after all. Out of all the enemies, Piccolo Daimao is the one I like most, and even after that, I like Piccolo the most.

I'm personally not terribly interested in designing wholesome characters, so I don't have many variations to offer.