“There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people.”

“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, an poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. This weed we call self-actualization….It refers to man’s desire for self-fulfillment, namely to the tendency for him to become actually in what he is potentially: to become everything one is capable of becoming.”

“Writing for children is an art in itself, and a most interesting one.”

Love isn't an emotion or an instinct - it's an art.

I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.

American Idol allowed us to find Carrie Underwood.

We need to make sure that there's art in the school. Why? Why should art be in the school? Because if art isn't in a school, then a guy like Steve Jobs doesn't get a chance to really express himself because in order for art to meet technology, you need art.

"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it."

"Art is sacred. Punk rock is freedom. Expression and right to express is vital. Anyone can be artistic."

Yeah a picture paints a thousand words it’s true, But it’s still not enough for how I feel about you. I wanna put you in a melody, I gotta set you to a groove

I think everybody has different priorities in their life. People live their lives differently. People become famous through all sorts of different reasons... some of it through art and some of it through just wanting to be famous. And I think how that all starts tends to reflect how you live your life daily.

"The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic that to love others."

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."

That's what's great about the arts. Everything inspires you, and you get a chance to grow from watching other people and how they do their work.

"In other countries, art and literature are left to a lot of shabby bums living in attics and feeding on booze and spaghetti."

"Art – the one achievement of man which has made the long trip up from all fours seem well advised"

"Songwriting is too mysterious and uncontrolled a process for me to direct it towards any one thing."

"We learn martial arts as helping weakness. You never fight for people to get hurt. You're always helping people."

"When you are learning about a martial art, it is about respect."

"Good art shows us how difficult it is to be objective by showing us how differently the world looks to an objective vision."

"Art and psychoanalisis give shape and meaning to life and that's why we adore them. However, life as it is lived has no shape nor meaning, and that's what I am experiencing right now."

"Only the very greatest art invigorates without consoling."

"It's clever, but is it Art?"

"I think writing letters is a lost art, but nowadays it's something that means even more, because it's so easy to communicate in so many different ways. But I find a love letter can even be a little post-it note stuck in your pocket, with a sentence or a few words."