Joe Pulizzi 

Joe Pulizzi 


United States


QUOTES BY Joe Pulizzi 

“Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.” 

“If a person doesn’t have a goal, there cannot be failure. I believe that is why so many people don’t set goals—they don’t want to set themselves up for any failure in life.” 

“For each article, Upworthy writes a minimum of 25 different headlines. Then the company does various A/B tests with its subscription lists to see which headline led to the most e-mail opens and the most shares.” 

“The easiest way to turn off your community members is to broadcast the same message across multiple channels. Instead, determine the kind of content that interests the members of your community in a way that is useful to them.” 

“Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, says it best:     It’s hard work. I’m not going to lie. Anyone who tells you that it’s really easy to build a content business is not telling you the truth. You have to accept the fact that this is going to be grueling, difficult, time consuming, and laborious work. But if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty, and are willing to constantly analyze what you’re doing and scrap what doesn’t work and continue what does work, and keep at it, you can be very, very successful.” 

“When you’re creating content and you’re getting feedback from the audience it allows you to hone your vision, as well as embed your vision ultimately with whatever it is that you’re creating.” 

“Content marketing is the marketing and business process for creating and distributing content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” 

“A blog post is like a miniskirt … it needs to be long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep it interesting.” And” 

“Your customers don’t care about you, your products, or your services. They care about themselves.”