Caroline Flack

Caroline Flack


United Kingdom

Television Presenter

QUOTES BY Caroline Flack

Don't put your love life on Instagram! It's nice to celebrate how you feel at a particular time, but don't get carried away.

Everyone is battling something emotional behind closed doors - that's life.

Television is where I'm most at home. I'm not one of those TV presenters who secretly yearns to be a Hollywood actress. Live telly is what I thrive on.

It's good to have flaws; it's learning to love your flaws.

I never really enjoyed cardio.

Anti-depressants helped me get up in the morning and stopped me from being sad, but what they also do is stop you from being happy. So I was just in this numb state. I stopped laughing at jokes, and that's just not me.

While anti-depressants can work for some people, I became a little too reliant on them - if you forget to take one, you feel awful.

I think sometimes people say a comment and don't realise they're body shaming. I don't think people are body-shamers, maybe just body-judgers. People will say throw-away comments.

I'm always starving in the morning, so I eat a lot for breakfast. It's usually scrambled or poached eggs, bacon, avocado, mushrooms, or sometimes even steak.