Gareth Thomas

Gareth Thomas


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Gareth Thomas

My brain acts bizarrely and I keep having major mood swings.

This journey of education and breaking stigma around HIV is something that will have a legacy everlasting.

Everything I do, I do it being myself.

Wherever I am in my life, it's because rugby has enabled me to do that.

I was able to come out as gay publicly because my family had accepted me. They thought nothing of it, and without them I wouldn't have been able to do it. If I didn't have them in my life I would have felt like I had no one.

My father always pretends to hate Christmas. But when we were children he was the first one waking us up, saying: 'Do you think Father Christmas has been yet?'

My sport was my comfort. The routine, the camaraderie, the team... everyone's around you. After rugby you're on your own.

If you add children to a marriage, they bring a different dimension to the relationship. If I'd had a child and I believed it would have made my child's life better by not coming out, the chances are I wouldn't have done it. Because I think you do whatever it takes to make your child happy.

Part of a sportsman's job is taking banter from the crowd.