Jennifer Coolidge

Jennifer Coolidge


United States


QUOTES BY Jennifer Coolidge

Hair extensions and wigs are not the same thing. Wigs are for old ladies and drag queens. Extensions are for women who want longer hair. To be safe, never bring it up if you think a woman is wearing either. No good comes of it.

Girls are supposed to be feminine and demure. Comedy isn't about that, so you just have to unlearn it. Certain women are so pretty, they can't go weird enough to be funny. You have to be willing to be ugly. I'm lucky my face can look so hideous.

I live in New Orleans part of the year, and it's a really fun eating town. I bought two homes there, one to live in and one as an investment. They love to eat, drink and dress up in costumes. There are so many reasons to dress up - Mardi Gras, Halloween, Southern Decadence.

I think I'm comedy-attractive, but it's never gonna be me and Charlize Theron up there.

I would say 90 percent of the scripts that show up on my door are women who have had lots of plastic surgery that are married to rich men - sort of a trophy wife.

I hate Spanx.

With Christopher Guest films, we have a lot of say.

Physically, no one would ever consider me for the serial-killer lady.

I always fall for the guy that, like, has to blow me off because he needs to go do something with his dog. I love those kind of guys.

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