Oliver Goldsmith

Oliver Goldsmith




Writer, writer, poet, and playwright, Goldsmith was born in Kilkenny West, County Westmeath, Ireland. He graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, and studied medicine in Edinburgh but never received a doctorate. He emigrated to Europe in 1756 and settled in London. He worked as a writer and was a friend of artistic illumination and writing at the time, including Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Edmund Burke.

QUOTES BY Oliver Goldsmith

"Aromatic plants bestow no spicy fragrance while they grow; but crush'd or trodden to the ground, diffuse their balmy sweets around."

"Vain, very vain is my search to find; that happiness which only centers in the mind."

"You, that are going to be married, think things can never be done too fast: but we that are old, and know what we are about, must elope methodically, madam."

"Those that think must govern those that toil."

"Who can direct when all pretend to know?"

"The weakest soul, within itself unblest, Leans for all pleasure on another's breast"

"Our pleasures are short, and can only charm at intervals; love is a method of protraction our greatest pleasure."

"The virtue which requires to be ever guarded is scarcely worth the sentinel"

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