When you have more competition, you have better products and lower prices.

Actually, I'm the only politician in Ottawa who is against the Paris Accord.

Integrating is easier when you have a job in Canada.

I am in politics to defend ideas, real conservative ideas. Because I passionately care about Canada's future. Because I know that the free-market conservative philosophy has the best solutions to ensure our society is more prosperous, secure, and peaceful.

We must start pushing back against this politically correct nonsense that's destroying our society and culture.

We are doing politics differently - smart, populist, political movement.

Monetary policy is one of the most difficult topics in economics. But also, I believe, a topic of absolutely crucial importance for our prosperity.

The electric car, it's not the government saying, 'Oh, we must have electric cars.' The market was ready for that. People were ready for that, so, we have electric cars.

Nationalism can be a destructive force when it promotes intolerance and division. But it can also be a force for good, when it seeks to defend local autonomy against the homogenizing forces of larger entities.

The center of gravity for an organization should be as close to what they make as possible. If you make cars, you need people in the factory. If you breed horses, be in the stable. If you make the Internet, live on the Internet, and use all the freedom and power it gives you.

While I personally believe strongly in the philosophy and ideology of the Free Software movement, you can't win people over just on philosophy; you have to have a better product, too.

The more money Automattic makes, the more we invest into Free and Open Source software that belongs to everybody and services to make that software sing.

Twitter is the ultimate service for the mobile age - its simplification and constraint of the publishing medium to 140 characters is perfectly complementary to a mobile experience.

My job is such that I get to run new things every day, and I get to run new markets and new technologies. I enjoy that quite a bit.

I learned a ton of things during my time in CNET.

Immunity to obsolescence is the only obsolescent-immune conceit of the past millennium.

Automattic's mission has always been very aligned with WordPress itself, which is to democratise publishing.

If you were building a real-time game like one of Zynga's games, the WordPress model wouldn't work well for that.

It turns out that social networks drive a heck of a lot of traffic to blogs.

I hope that people have more to say than 140 characters will allow them in their life.

If you have a fantastic idea you're really passionate about and are making $100,000 in your job, if you can set aside some of that to invest in servers or contractors or other folks, that's actually the best way to start a business in my opinion.

If you still use 'admin' as a username on your blog, change it.

I don't think BuddyPress will be something you use instead of your existing social networks... but if you wanted to start something new maybe with more control, friendlier terms of service, or just something customized and tweaked to fit exactly into your existing site, then BuddyPress is a great framework to use.

Longreads embodies a lot of what we really value with Automattic and WordPress.