If we want conservative principles to win the battle of ideas, we have to defend them openly, with passion and conviction.

Growth and progress depend on more economic freedom.

Policy should not aim to change the cultural character and social fabric of Canada.

We care about shared values, culture and identity.

I aim to create a federal government which respects the constitution, which respects taxpayers.

Our immigration policy should not aim to forcibly change the cultural character and social fabric of Canada, as radical proponents of multiculturalism want.

The Conservative Party tries to avoid important but controversial issues of concern to Conservatives and Canadians in general. It is afraid to articulate any coherent philosophy to support its positions.

I don't care a bit about people's race or skin colour.

If you're choosing somebody that doesn't have the competence, but because it's a young guy, or it's a lady or if it's a man, it's a positive discrimination and I won't push that.

It's nice to have dreams, but when you use borrowed money to achieve them and act as if money grows on trees, you may have a brutal awakening.

We want the private sector to be able to invest. The private sector works quite well.

From the perspective of corporations, taxes are an additional cost of doing business. If you increase their taxes, to remain profitable they will have to find ways to lower other costs, or to increase revenues.

People who refuse to integrate into our society and want to live apart in their ghetto don't make our society strong.

A tax on capital is self-defeating, in that it slows down capital accumulation, investment and economic growth.

Some taxes are really dumb.

The U.N. is a dysfunctional organization.

I'm the only one who is saying, 'Let's take fewer immigrants.' We want people to integrate, we don't want ghettos in Canada.

Taxing corporations means unnecessarily burdening our wealth-creating machines.

Extreme multiculturalism... is not the way to build this country.

When government borrowing and spending go up, private borrowing and spending go down.

It's federal jurisdiction, so the federal government can approve pipelines.

People are fed up of politicians who say one thing one day and another the day after.

We believe in immigration, but we don't believe in mass immigration.

I think here in Beauce, people are very honest. And they don't like a politician that will say something one day and the opposite the other day.